Toolbox Theory (update)

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This article is about the v. 1.2.0 update for The New Order. For the song in the OST, see Toolbox Theory (OST).

Toolbox Theory is the v. 1.2.0 update for The New Order. The update was released on November 20, 2021 and introduced several major features, including complete overhauls for the mod's economy and foreign policy mechanics.

Major Additions[edit | edit source]

  • Entirely reworked the economy mechanic, including but not limited to production, construction, and trade
  • New laws menu, adjusted to TT changes (remade into smaller rectangles and with added sliders about policies effectiveness)
  • Added a Foreign Policy mechanic to all Superpowers
  • Added Proxy Conflicts to the Philippines, West Africa, the Maho campaign, Congo, Angola, Madagascar, Gazaland, and Malaysia
  • Added the Oil Crisis conflicts, South Africa, the Iberian Wars, the Iranian Civil War, and the Indonesian Civil War to the Foreign Policy mechanic
  • Added in new buildings and satisfaction and coverage mechanics for them
  • Implemented over 100 subideologies for all ideologies
  • Reworked the World Tension meter
  • Reworked the Industry Research Tab
  • Implemented a new Policy Effectiveness mechanic, denoting the effectiveness of a nation’s laws
  • Reworked Long Yun content, and facelifted Lu Han content
  • Added several new mechanics to Long Yun and Lu Han
  • Added new endings to the Western Insurrection
  • Rework and content expansion for Kaya
  • Added a shared bills mechanic for all Japan PMs
  • Order 44 has been heavily reworked
  • Iberia now has a new, reworked economic tree
  • Added a wartime and post-war devastation mechanic to the English Civil War
  • Added wartime focus trees to the English Civil War
  • Reworked pre-war trees to the English gov't and HMMLR
  • Added 100 days of content to Arthur Chesterton's England and David Stirling's England
  • Facelifted SBA content across the board, including a new collapse and facelifted mechanics
  • Facelifted Burgundy’s content, including new mechanics and a new AI Collapse scenario, with unique responses for Germany and America
  • Added a new Arcade Mode feature for completed campaigns
  • Added a mechanic between America, Collaborationist England and Germany to determine which faction England joins
  • Bennett has received a major facelift, rethinking how he personally feels about the Civil Rights Act and changing his foreign tree to establish the "Community of Free Nations"
  • Reworked Brazil's Military trees, expanding the Sorbonne elections and adding two hardliner paths
  • Totally facelifted the Comintern mechanic to no longer consist solely of spam for economic investment
  • Added uranium deposits to the world map

Minor Additions[edit | edit source]

  • Added Scotland and Norway to the country select screen
  • Igor Shafarevich is now a wholesome condem leader in Komi
  • Added new trees for democratic election of radical candidates in Komi
  • Added new Ultravisionary succession mechanic for Komi
  • Implemented new party popularity system for Vyatka
  • We have removed Aldan, Berezniki, and Kostrama. God rest their eternal souls
  • Added a "Far East Development" mechanic to Russia in order to strengthen Far Eastern states and stop them from becoming irrelevant in Russia
  • New deccat for the Russian Central-Siberia unifier to develop the northern Siberian region
  • New naval development deccat for the Russian Far-East to begin rebuilding a fleet
  • Used the Foreign Policy System to add new features and decisions to Brazil's fight in the South African War
  • Added extra events and flavor to Brazil's Hundred Days
  • Replaced Ikeda's coalition mechanic with a factions relation mechanic for all Japanese PMs
  • Added new decisions for Japan to deal with the Yasuda Crisis, as well as to recover following its aftermath
  • Takagi's North Borneo reforms now properly split the tag
  • All Japanese governments can now collapse, assuming they become too unstable
  • Restructured Ikeda's first focus tree to allow him to deal with the Yasuda Crisis much quicker
  • Added vast amounts of new flavour to proxy conflicts
  • Added vast amounts of new flavor to Lu Han
  • Added skeleton content to Argentina
  • Added skeleton content to Chile
  • Added skeleton content to Peru
  • Added skeleton content to the Central Asian states
  • Added skeleton content to Mexico
  • Added skeleton content to Manchukuo
  • Added skeleton content to Guangdong
  • Added skeleton content to Canada
  • Added skeleton content to Thailand
  • Added skeleton content to the Gulf
  • Added skeleton content for Turkey, including two elections and 11 possible leaders
  • Added skeleton content to Greece, including two possible resistance groups taking over and four democratic leaders
  • Added skeleton content to the Levante, and cut old content
  • Added skeleton content to all West African nations
  • Added skeleton content to Moskowien, as well as a new collapse setup
  • Added the Khanate of Kalat and the Frontier Provinces Civilian Administration as Afghan Puppets
  • Reworked Afghan Mapping
  • Reworked skeleton content to the Chinese warlords
  • Added the Christmas War
  • Added a new mechanic and GUI for South Africa
  • Bormann’s Großraum mechanic has been facelifted and slightly expanded, pending for further changes coming in Europas Narben
  • Bohemia's starting situation has been altered: it now starts annexed into Germany, but will split off during the civil war. It may join either one of the four contenders or stay neutral during the conflict, depending on certain conditions
  • A revamped Batov Insurgency mechanic, with a Scripted GUI instead of a simple Decision Category
  • Revamped the collapse of the Divine Mandate of Siberia, with new tags spawning
  • Slight revamp of the Omsk Insurgency collapse, with some new additions
  • Revamped the Five Year Plans mechanic for TT
  • Changed the way England's "State of the Nation" mechanic works
  • Reworked England's Econ system
  • Implemented a simple polling system for the English elections
  • Cornwall is now named "Garnison Cornwall"
  • Cornwall will now begin with only the Port of Plymouth under its direct control
  • Added new decisions to raid army bases as HMMLR depending on which focus you took in the three-way decision early in their tree
  • Reworked the effects of HMMLR's reconstruction tree to be more engaging and less abrupt
  • You can now switch to any one of the African OFN Mandates as South Africa in a total victory scenario
  • The following nations have new and/or adjusted tech icons: Germany, France, England, Iberia, Mexico, Canada, South Africa, Free France, Japan, Hungary, Turkey, Brazil, Cameroon, Finland, Free England, Ireland, Scotland, Slovakia, Wales, Romania, Venezuela, Croatia, Colombia, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Chile, Egypt, Iraq, Paraguay, Iran, Poland, Afghanistan, Angola, Australia, Congo, Denmark, Ukraine, Mozambique, Italian East Africa, Italian Middle East, Norway, New Zealand, Ulster, Cuba, India, Oman, and Yemen, 200+ in all
  • Copied Germany's Oil Crisis mechanic to Japan and America
  • Minor changes to Norwegian laws (public meetings are now outlawed and Free Norway is now a multiparty democracy)
  • Added some icons to some of Göring's decisions/decision categories
  • Added several potential leaders to Syria
  • Added extra flavor events for Ireland
  • Added several icons and event pictures to England
  • Added 200+ 3D models for infantry, armor, aircraft and landmarks.
  • Added City Descriptions to many major cities across the world
  • Removed a lot of depreciated icons and implemented many icon reworks
  • Reworked Nixon's "CALM THE HELL DOWN" description
  • Added several decision icons to decisions and categories that didn't have them
  • Added several bios to different nations in Asia
  • Changed the flag and name of North Borneo
  • Added unique icons to technology sharing
  • Facelifted Race for the Urals mechanic
  • Added new bills, events, and tooltips to LeMay's presidency
  • Added transition events between a few US presidents
  • Reworked the Brazil Development GUI to be TT integrated
  • Brazil's Megaprojects are now displayed separately from the Development GUI
  • Added South African War decision category to Brazil
  • Goldwater now no longer has to be a goldbug for his econ tree (e.g., prereqs removed that required him to have gold standard)
  • Heydrich no longer cares about debt once the nuclear struggle with Himmler starts
  • Changed Speer decisions/effects for Moskowien reintegration
  • Skeleton content for Bormann Moskowien reclamation
  • Revamped HMMLR operations mechanic in pre-ECW England
  • Revamped ministers and national spirits for Moskowien
  • Revamped the collapse (now called "Moskowien's Dissolution"). Version present in TT is not the version that will be in EN since major spoilers were not included
  • Removed the Two State Solution completely
  • Added news events for Gorbachev, Kaminski, Saucken and Helldorff unification of Moskowien, as well as if none of the above unify Moskowien
  • Added post-unification portraits for Saucken and Gorbachev
  • Tukhachevsky-Zhukov power struggle to succeed Voroshilov now has a Scripted GUI in the decision category
  • Speer's Oil Crisis start is now actually a crisis
  • Added several decisions to reduce the rate of Social Tension decrease every 2 weeks
  • You can now place nuclear weapons in Mauritius and Reunion
  • Added Economic Leaning tracker to State of The Reich. Your decisions will affect several aspects of the economy
  • Extra events and flavor to the 100 Days Crisis for Brazil
  • Added city terrains to Brazil
  • Added small amounts of new flavour events to Japan, Germany, and America
  • Changed Magnitorsk's decisions from vanilla
  • Added "anarchy banners" for nations that have no authority. (i.e., North and Northeastern Siberia)
  • Improved the look of capitulation popups, now including flags of respective nations
  • Added capitulation quotes for Finland, Mengjiang, Indonesia, Free Indonesia, the Generalgouvernment, Plesetsk, Ukhta, The Ural Four Nations, Reichskommissariat Zentralafrika, Wales, Scotland
  • Added skeleton governments to England and Wales when Scotland beats England in the reunification war
  • Visually facelifted the Armed Forces Paranoia, English Minority and Election decision categories
  • Added 70s portrait for Sergey Bunyachenko, along with an accompanying epilogue event and bio
  • Added 70s bio for Dmitry Yazov
  • Added new Oil Crisis events to Germany, the US and Japan
  • Re-Addition of four Gulf endings (Zayed, Shakbut, NUC, Workers Uprising) and new flags for said paths
  • Added a decision to the Narodnik investigation decision category to gain command points for political power, thus allowing for an easier time handling it.
  • Made Slave Revolt's invasion of Schorner slightly easier with extra decisions
  • Added railway mechanic to Speer
  • Gave meaningful effects to German Great Game decisions
  • Gave descriptions to several African ministers
  • Removed remnants of outdated lore (i.e. world events) from the Republic of India and Azad Hind
  • Added partial skeleton content up to 1965 for both Indias, including new leaders and world events
  • Added a few decisions for Onega to coordinate their attack with AI Finland
  • A Southern Urals buffer state will appear if Omsk collapsed while owning a part of Southern Urals
  • Implemented a more competent AI for Hüttig who actively tries to stabilize the Reichstaat, enabling the country to collapse in a less predictable manner
  • If the CIA operation that encourages Ireland to side with OFN succeeds, Ireland will receive a small bonus if they actually pick that choice
  • All GCW contenders will receive a dynamic daily compliance gain depending on their legitimacy, while the chosen successor of Hitler will receive an additional 0.05 daily compliance gain
  • Added a separate tag for RK Hindustan instead of re-using the India tag
  • USA will now receive an event if the Indonesia war ended in stalemate
  • AI Italy will put more divisions on Dodecanese before the Italian-Turkish war begin
  • Both AI Turkey and AI Levant will prepare for the Italian-Turkish war
  • If Turkey annexed Lebanon after the Italian-Turkish war, Lebanon will gain independence after a year and a civil war will erupt there half a year later
  • The result of the border conflict on Dodecanese is now independent form the result of the Middle East theatre
  • The victor of the Iranian civil war will now gain cores on all Iranian states and move their capital to Tehran
  • Nuclear ultimatums will be issued when Mongolia people's front / PRC if they managed to capture any Korean / Japanese core states