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Toolbox Theory - Unfinished Business: Difference between revisions

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== Minor Additions ==
=== Main Patch (v1.3.0) ===
==== Social Development and National Policies ====
* Added Healthcare Quality social development category
* New Assorted Laws category created for flavor laws, with several current policies moved into this category
* New laws in the press rights, state religion, gender rights, and education, renamed some existing laws
* The effects of policies are now calculated using a set min and max, making them easier to predict
* New industrial regulations policy type as a merger of pollution and safety laws
* Overhauled the immigration, forced labor, penal system, and security policy categories
==== Lore Reworks ====
* Replaced Kliment Voroshilov with Alexander Yegorov as the WRRF's starting leader
==== Minor Changes (America) ====
* St Pierre and Miquelon is now its own state with cores from Vichy and Free France while still starting with Canada
* Completely overhauled victory points for the United States, Canada, and Cuba; lots of new VPs were added, and existing ones had their values reworked
* Updated victory points for Mexico; several new ones were added, and existing ones had their values reworked
==== Minor Changes (European) ====
* Reworked states and borders for Poland, Ostland, Ukraine, and Kaukasien
* The system of hydroelectric dams along the Dnieper was now completed TNOTL, and 3 lakes have been added along the Dnieper for the reservoirs
* The Netherlands now has accurate borders and polders
* Reworked Serbian, Romanian, Slovakian, Croatian and Finnish states
* Touchup on Italian border states
* Reworked borders of Albania and Montenegro. Montenegro is now independent at game start
* Reworked and added new cultures across Eastern Europe and the Balkans, including in Ostland, Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, and Kaukasien
* Shrunk Burgundy's borders, gave the Collapse tags new colors
==== Minor Changes (Rest of World) ====
* Reworked Chinese states to match KMT administrative borders
* Completely reworked Indonesian states and provinces as well as adding new cultures
* New Anatolian cultures have been added; Turco-Georgian, Turco-Kurdish, Syrian Turkmen and Afrinite.
* Reworked states and borders for Algeria
* State and province rework for southern Africa
==== Miscellaneous Additions ====
* Added a new Arcade Mode easter egg for Uruguay
* Minor changes to Nixon's tree
* Added a heightmap to TNO
* Added unique world news header
* Added a mapmode for buildings
* Added location endonym-exonym feature (WIP, experimental, not complete but functional)


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