Tsardom of Bulgaria

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The Tsardom of Bulgaria (Bulgarian: Царство България) is a country in Southeast Europe.To the north, it borders The Kingdom of Romania, to the west The Independet State of Serbia and The Italian Empire, to the south Greece and The Republic of Turkey and to the east the Black sea. Established as a principality under the Ottoman Empire in 1878, Bulgaria was forged in 1908, when it declared independence. Bulgaria fought for the Axis powers in WW2, and is now a member of the Einheitspakt.

Tsardom of Bulgaria
Царство България
Tsarstvo Bǎlgariya
Flag of Bulgaria
Bulgarian Coat of Arms
Ruling Party Pravitelstvo na Tsaria
Head of StateTsar Boris III
Sphere Grossraum Kontinentaleuropa
Foreign Alignment Mitstreiter,
Credit Rating Fair
Market Type Planned Economy

Interwar Period

Political Parties and Factions

Name Ideology LEader
Tsar's Government Absolute Monarchy


Boris III
Zveno Left-Wing Corporatism Kimon Georgiev
Bulgarian Communist Party National Communism Todor Zhivkov
Bulgarian Agrarian National Union "Pladne" Agrarian Socialism Nikola Petkov
The Union of Bulgarian National Legions Fascism Todor Zhekov
Ratnitsi National Socialism Asen Kantardzhiev