Ukrainian State

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Ukrainian State
Українська Держава, Ukrayinsʹka Derzhava
Flag of the Ukrainian State
Ruling Party Ukrayins'ka Povstans'ka Armiya - Klyachkivtsi
Head of StateVozhd Dmytro Klyachkivsky
Head of GovernmentDeputy Commander-in-Cheif Roman Shukhevych
Sphere No Sphere
Foreign AlignmentNon-Aligned
Market Type Planned Economy

The Ukrainian State (Українська Держава), also known as the Brotherhood of Volyn (Братство Волині); is a state formed by the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists when the Ukrainian Civil War begins, seeking to create a Ukraine only for Ukrainians, murdering German settlers, Poles, and even other Ukrainians who do not share their vision.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Should the player play as the Ukrainian ultranationalists, there is a power struggle mechanic between Dmytro Klyachkivsky, Roman Shukhevych, and Yaroslav Stetsko. This mechanic is also still present at the time when the Ukrainian Civil erupts. The UPA rises up Western Ukraine and Southern Poland by the time the Civil War breaks out. Should the player win the Civil War as the Ukrainian State, should either Shukhevych or Stetsko weild more influence than Klyachkivsky, they will order his assassination. It is possible for Klyachkivsky to stay as the Vozhd if he survives the plot to kill him by Shukhevych or Stetsko, subsequently executing either of them for the failed coup.

Should the Fraternal Coup succeced, Klyachivsky's head of government; Stepan Lenkavskyi becomes the temporary Vozhd until either only Shukhevych or Stetsko consolidate their position.