V1.5.0a The Ruin Patch A

From TNOpediA

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The Ruin Patch A is the v1.5.0A patch for The New Order released on October 31, 2023, that updated the mod to Hearts of Iron IV's 1.13 "Stella Polaris" version and the compatibility with the Arms Against Tyranny expansion

Major Additions[edit | edit source]

  • Updated the mod to 1.13 "Stella Polaris" and the Arms Against Tyranny expansion

Minor Additions[edit | edit source]

  • 10 new event pics for UNRA
  • Reworked Switzerland starting situation
  • Facelifted Ukraine's Pillars of the Revolution GUI
  • The UK now gets its overseas territories back from Canada if the exiles return
  • Added Old Guard decisions to the Party of Contrasts mechanic

Bug Fixes[edit | edit source]

Germany and Pakt Related Bug Fixes[edit | edit source]

British Isles[edit | edit source]

  • Fixed bug where Collab Britain did not rejoin the Pakt when they should have
  • Fixed bug where Free Britain did not join the OFN when they should have
  • Michael Foot no longer rules as PM for life
  • Fixed an issue that caused missions for holding and recapturing cities in the Chimes of Midnight mechanic to instantly fail for the Collabs
  • Fixed an issue that caused focuses in Britain's second civil war tree to not recognize and unlock when you captured a city
  • Fixed an issue where missions for holding cities already owned at civil war start in the Chimes of Midnight mechanic were not activated at the start of the civil war
  • Fixed a national spirit not getting removed after the British Civil War
  • Increased the monthly completion gains on two national projects from the Workshop of the World mechanic so that they can actually be completed before expiring
  • Addressed an issue causing chaos to increase over the chaos cap
  • Ideas "Mann-Related Intelligence" and "Mann-Related Weaponry" are now removed at the same time as the Mann mechanic
  • Britains "Workshop of the world" GUI's graph correctly displays the corresponding month's values
  • Britains "Workshop of the world" GUI now correctly reloads
  • Fixed Irish post-crisis event chain missing a trigger mid-way through and preventing elections from occurring
  • domvile.71 now has option loc
  • Fixed Veesenmayer's name being misspelt as Vesenmeyer
  • Corrected spelling of Ownership and Reichswerke in Workshop of the World GUI
  • Lloyd's mistake focus no longer changes GDP by 0%
  • Replaced several English minister portraits that used older versions of updated full-size portraits
  • "Art Is Dead, and They Killed It" now triggers the correct follow-up event
  • Britain during the 2GU no longer gets a province modifier called the Terrain of Angola
  • Fixed some British popularity effects now showing a party
  • Birdwood's post-war event now triggers from peace effect rather than the 5th chaos threshold
  • Bean and Hamm's factions under Fontaine no longer have meme long names
  • Butler beating the ideologues now removes popularity from the right fascism faction
  • Workplace Organisations Act now lists the year it was passed instead of the current year
  • The British idea "German Economic Dominance" now properly affects all social policies
  • The British idea "German Economic Dominance" now properly swaps with its variants during the second British pre-war focus tree
  • Added Severn Barrage goal GFX
  • 'National Purity Act', 'The Imperial State: Vestigial' and 'National Health Service: Groundwork' assorted laws now have proper localisation
  • ECW City missions should now cancel if the civil war ends
  • Truro's state lore has been updated to reflect the inability to see the sea from Truro

Ukrainian Changes[edit | edit source]

  • Ukraine no longer starts with both NSB and non-NSB armor techs
  • Add generic namelist for UPA, UNRA, and UA-SSR
  • Uman is no longer set as capital of Ukraine post-UCW
  • Fixed Erich Weinmann not having a minister portrait
  • A Second Operation Hanover no longer spawns a RK Ukraine literally anywhere in the world
  • Fixed Ohlendorf's Leader bio not appearing
  • All UPA ministers now have role in government listed in their minister descs
  • Fixed Maivsky name being spelt 4 different ways
  • Stetsko no longer has Maivsky rotting corpse as his foreign minister
  • Added Slava Stetsko as a foreign minister for UPA
  • Added traits to UPA ministers
  • Dispirited, Deranged Domevoy dynmod setup now displays tooltip with starting effects
  • UPA's civil war spirits are now removed after one of the main 3 leaders secures power
  • Horlis is no longer a field marshal for the RK prior to the start of the UCW
  • UNRA effect no long adds a visible, unlocced power stuggle dynmod
  • Removed blank UNRA event that just puts Horlis in a suit
  • UNRA election event now has tooltips for all 3 outcomes, not just Ohloblyn
  • Fixed several typoed versions of Ohloblyn
  • Fixed U-SSR focus on start screen not being in a tree you get
  • First focus of U-SSR pre-UCW tree now uses the right icon
  • Changed all instances of Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic to Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic
  • Ukrainian-Polish War no longer ends with Ukraine annexing all of Poland, war now limited to Galicia
  • Poland now starts with core across the entire GGN rather than about a 1/3 of it
  • Germany retaking Ukraine gives a blank focus tree to the RK
  • Speer's Ukrainian National Republic now has a party name
  • Gotenland Emergency event, which replaces Dönitz's coup, is now given to GCW contenders instead of just Speidel
  • Hungary, Romania, collab Serbia, and collab Britain no longer join then immediately leave the Zollverein after Speer victory
  • Adjusted Romania's starting libcon and post-PNL reunification party names
  • Fixed TNS not joining the Zollverein/German econ sphere with Romania
  • Serbia post-German invasion no longer has a worker directed economy
  • Serbia will now only rejoin the Pakt and German econ sphere if the collabs won
  • Partisan Breadbasket actions now have correct costs
  • Corrected a typo in UKS The Reapers Scythe causing gender rights to not improve
  • Corrected an error where it wasn't actually taking equipment from UKR and sending it to UKS in UKR Empty Their Warehouses
  • Cleared out a Contribloc that was missed
  • Added in loc to the empty UKR_something_is_broken_tt tooltip
  • The Panacea idea is now removed shortly after the end of the Ukrainian Civil War by a new event
  • Added localization to the UKR_power_struggle_active flag
  • Capitalized an 'I' in the So This Is Christmas? event
  • Replaced 'risis' with 'Crisis' in the 1962 Economic start
  • Fountaine's Night of Unity now displays loc properly
  • Player Ukraine is no longer replaced when Germany comes to retake the east
  • Fixed Breadbasket actions not being takeable if you had exactly the requirements listed on them w/o any excess
  • Moved Nosenko event again Polish Uprising 60 days later
  • Corrected numerous misspellings of Melnyk as Melynk
  • Poland rejecting the UPA's ultimatum now properly gives them 2 extra partisan units
  • Cleaned up and fixed peace and state control changed effects for UPA
  • Added a bunch of missing loc for Shukhevych's and Klyachkivsky's invasions of Poland
  • UPA capitulation event to UNRA no longer says Shukhevych was killed
  • Pillars of Revolution now properly gives a buff to defense during the UCW
  • Parties under UNRA can no longer get more than 100% of the vote in a region (or less than 0%)
  • The gamerules for the Republic of Ukraine now work

Rest of the Pakt[edit | edit source]

  • Poland under Wachowiak is now a collaborator puppet state instead of autonomous RK
  • Pleiger should now come to power properly in Kaukasia
  • Germany will no longer invade Cosic's Serbia if the SCW ended right before the GCW ended
  • Non-Fatherland Front Simeon no longer has Zveno as his party name
  • Petre Bejan now actually leads the wing of PNL with his name on it
  • Pie charts and radial progress bars will now display in the same way in OpenGL as well as in non-OpenGL
  • Fixed broken alert for low government control on the Breadbasket GUI regions
  • Fixed an issue where Midnight decision Relocate the Weaponry was not sending equipment to the Collabs
  • Fixed Speer's Josias Kaukasia tree being impossible to complete
  • Speer now gets resource rights in Kaukasia after beating Josias
  • Speer's Kaukasische Militärregierung is now a military authority instead of an autonomous RK
  • Fixed Deutsches Reich Heydrich Warlord not having a leader
  • Fixed RK power struggle missions going away after completion/expiry
  • Afrika-Schild member status is now only removed if the Schild is disbanded

America and OFN Related Bug Fixes[edit | edit source]

  • The US will no longer lose trust in government if they win the Gulf of Guinea
  • Post OFN Collapse Congo will not undergo another crisis upon winning its civil war
  • Fixed 1970 elections for Edna Lott and Brizola
  • Fixed Tortorelli Arcade Mode decision
  • Fascist Comrades opinion modifier is now properly removed post-Trujillo and post-Balaguer
  • Fixed Brazil startup lore referring to the 2WRW
  • Ibagué state lore now uses the correct year for its creation
  • "Lott Act" idea is removed in the edge case that the Lott Act passes just as Denys coups Lott
  • Dominican Republic returning to democracy after the Revolution now updates ideas and econ subtype
  • Bypasses on Nixon's Britain forpol focuses now work properly
  • It is now possible for LBJ to finish his civil rights reform event chain
  • Timer no longer covers decisions during the Puerto Plata invasion
  • Fixed PADESM victory in the Malagasy Uprising not improving ruling party pop for the US
  • Fixed German victory in the Malagasy Uprising not hurting ruling party pop for the US
  • 50-50 state control in Haiti is now displayed as Communist control to reflect on-map reality
  • Fixed numerous CIA missions about Speer that set the mission flag incorrectly and affected the results of future missions if you failed
  • Weakening Reactionaries in Speer's Germany no longer prevents from sending planes to him during the CW
  • Operation Jewel can no longer be taken after the Monarchy referendum
  • CIA Russian safehouses mission should now be takeable
  • Locked templates of both sides of Malagasy Uprising to prevent them from breaking decisions by deleting templates
  • Fixed nothing happening in some West Indies Federation events

Japan and Co-Prosperity Sphere Bug Fixes[edit | edit source]

  • Fixed Kido overthrowing the Japanese government if they win the Philippines and successfully complete reconstruction
  • US and Japan now both get the end of Hawaii negotiations event, end effects are only on the USA version of the event
  • Daoud Khan will now use the right calendar before resigning
  • Set the Army Reform variable at the beginning of each Japanese PM's routes
  • Fixed an issue where Takagi's and Kaya's events were being swapped
  • Fixed an issue causing some Army Reform events to be overridden by others
  • Japan can now see how the Gulf of Guinea campaign is going
  • Fixed Kaya gamerules not getting some focus

Russian and Kazakh Bug Fixes[edit | edit source]

  • Zhdanov's favor effects now display the tooltip properly
  • Zigfrid Shultz should now properly die when he is killed
  • Fixed all spellings of Vozhd as Vohzd
  • Unlocalized the names of the Kazakh parties during the KCW
  • Skrzeszewski now properly comes to power after Yusupov dies

Rest of the World Bug Fixes[edit | edit source]

  • Syria is back to being yellow
  • Tanganyika-Zanzibar war no longer starts when Tanganyika is shattered
  • Fixed German-Iberia Non-Aggression Pact event effect that wasn't adapted to German ideology changes
  • Portugal-Spain peace deals should now function properly
  • Spanish State victory now counts as a German victory in the Cold War tab, rather than a stalemate
  • Iberian Wars outcomes now gives pop effects to US players
  • Galicia can now receive Japanese support
  • The Rif Republic can no longer join the Japanese econ sphere before they beat Morocco
  • Algerian Crisis no longer breaks if you are in observer mode
  • Icon on A Plan for the Future has been fixed
  • Fixed decolonization of the East African Mandate
  • Raseta can no longer secure power if Thermidor coup in on the way
  • France retaking Franche-Comté no longer triggers a province rename in Chechnya
  • Fixed two Rwanada ministers with swapped portraits

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes[edit | edit source]

  • Corrected a typo in PP_Command_Power_Loan_tt
  • Fixed numerous ministers w/o the proper desc coloring
  • Fixed sliders being able to be set beyond the maximum value by clicking past the max point
  • Fixed numerous misspellings of receive, disturb, and distribute
  • Converted all instances of recruitable_population_factor (a deprecated effect) to conscription_factor (one that actual works)
  • Fixed numerous techs with the wrong years assigned
  • Fixed Intel missions to low regional network strength of the other superpower
  • Missile airwings are once again deployable, moveable, and assignable
  • Trial by Fire training law has working loc again
  • Removed instances of have have from loc
  • Fixed GFX on a bunch of ideas using icons from old Hungary skeleton
  • Gamerule option that brings the Turkish ending to Turkes Kenes is back
  • Fixed audio clipping issues with the main theme - Lamentation
  • Fixed incorrect sub-ideologies in some gamerule descriptions

Balance Changes[edit | edit source]

  • Increased the costs of losing London and Edinburgh in the Chimes of Midnight mechanic
  • Increased the time you're expected to hold London in the Chimes of Midnight mechanic
  • Made it so that the mission for holding Edinburgh in the Chimes of Midnight mechanic can only fire once
  • Decreased the monthly completion gain for the Severn Barrage national project from the Workshop of the World mechanic
  • Adjusted Red Army improvement values in the pre-war U-SSR focus tree in order to compensate for the addition of the new decision category
  • Added a 7 day cooldown for all RK power struggle decisions

QoL Improvements[edit | edit source]

  • Reduced volume on title theme
  • Shortened completion times of missions for holding and recapturing cities in the Chimes of Midnight mechanic
  • Improved the reward for holding Edinburgh in the Chimes of Midnight mechanic
  • Slightly reduced a requirement for the Winter of 1962 national project from the Workshop of the World mechanic so that it can be fulfilled with one click rather than two
  • Added bypass and available checks and reduced some focus times to UPA CW tree to encourage faster completion
  • UPA's Fraternal Coup chain now uses retire character effects instead of remove advisors effects
  • Negotiated Ceasefire in DCW no longer has a text wall for its effects
  • Effects of the Western Insurrection decisions "Invitation to the United Front" and "Mandate Warlords back to Order" are made clearer to the user

Other Changes[edit | edit source]

  • Lenkavskyi no longer takes power immediately after Klyachkivsky's death, only after he secures power
  • Lenkavskyi now removes Stetsko, Shukhevych, and their respective ministers
  • Lenkavskyi now has set of ministers
  • Switched UKR Development Tax idea icon to a barn
  • Adjusted support company positions for UKR's Sicherungs and SS Grenadiers divisions
  • Add notification events for changes in Bitter Harvest level
  • Added leader bio for Stepan Lenkavskyi
  • Poland can no longer give into the Ukrainian State's demand to handover Galicia
  • Updated loc for Keith Joseph election event
  • Channel Crisis now gives Cold War Victory points depending on outcome
  • New decision category for the U-SSR to improve the condition of its army upon completing the focus "Lessons of the Long March"
  • Adjusted pre-war U-SSR focus tree's effects in order to improve gameplay and clarity
  • Steve the Tourist no longer takes a detour in Collabland
  • Removed most of the coloring from The Ruin's logo description
  • Graphically facelifted Britains "Workshop of the world" graphs
  • Humphrey will remain leader of Labor Dems under Hart even if he isn't in the Senate
  • Changed the Republic of Ukraine's economy type to "Socialized Economy"
  • Turkes Kenes more vulnerable to Turkish influence