Viet Minh: Difference between revisions

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(→‎National Spirits: Added Nat Spirit)
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|20 Years of Resistance
|20 Years of Resistance
|The Viet Minh have been around for nearly twenty years at this point, and in that time it has cemented itself as the premier anti-Japanese resistance organization in Vietnam. It has outlasted its Chinese comrades, having endured the worst of the Japanese where they unfortunately scattered. The Viet Minh has repulsed successive Japanese attacks, endured through Thai savagery, and still remains a force to be reckoned with within Indochina. So long as imperialism and reaction remain on the Indochinese Peninsula, the Viet Minh shall last for another twenty years.
|Production Efficiency Growth: +5.00%
|Production Efficiency Growth: +5.00%
Division Defence: +10.0%
Division Defence: +10.0%
|Victory in Lang Son
|Victory in Lang Son
|The Viet Minh dealt its first offensive victory against the Japanese with the Summer-Autumn Border Campaigh, devised by Vo Nguyen Giap with the assistance of Ye Jianying. In a matter of weeks, VM forces defeated the Fifth Division of the 38th Army, taking the city of Lang Son and forcing a retreat to Hon Gai. This stunning victory has shocked both the Japanese and the Vietnamese public, who have now turned against the imperial government for their handling of the crisis. And while the government falls apart, the Viet Minh have already begun moving to expand and further undermine both Empires of Japan and Vietnam.
|Daily Political Power Gain: +0.05
|Daily Political Power Gain: +0.05
Division Organization: +5.0%
Division Organization: +5.0%
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|Comrades from the North
|Comrades from the North
|Though China has been utterly defeated by the Japanese, the Chinese themselves have not given up. Remnants of the National Revolutionary Army, particularly the Communist-led New Fourth and Eighth Route Armies have made their way south to Yunnan and Guangxi, where they have since made contact with the Viet Minh. For their part, the Viet Minh have welcomed these exiles with open arms, bringing greatly-needed expertise and soldiers to the struugle. However, everyone knows that their cooperation, while incredibly fruitful, will soon diminish as the exiles plot their comeback...
|Leader Experience Gain: +3.0%
|Leader Experience Gain: +3.0%
Recruitable Population Factor: 2%
Recruitable Population Factor: 2%