Italo-Turkish War

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The Italo-Turkish War, more formally known as the Second Italo-Turkish War, is a conflict between Italy and Turkey in the months following the collapse of the Triumvirate.

Italo-Turkish War
Part of The Collaspe of the Triumvirate
From top to bottom: Turkish Solider deployed in Syria with his country's flag.
AbilitiesEquipment, Manpower, Advisors
DateLate 1962 to early 1963
PlaceThe Levant, Iraq, and Greece
ResultItalian Millitary forces in Rhodes are isolated

The Syrian National State is turned from a Turkish puppet to an Italian puppet, the Syrian Arab Republic.

Cyprus stays controlled by the Hellenic State.
Cyprus stays controlled by the Hellenic State.
Rhodes is still controlled by Italy.
Thrace is taken by Greece and East Thrace is mostly demilitarized except for Istanbul.
Mosul and Kerkuk are annexed by Iraq.

Turkey annexes all of Lebanon

The TMT takes all of Cyprus
Rhodes is taken by Turkey.
Salamis is annexed by Turkey and the area around Athens is Demillitarzed
Turkey keeps control over Mosul and Kerkuk


Following the failure of the 1962 Malta Conference, relations between Italy and Turkey have reach a low point. In the years leading up to 1962, the Turkish government had been demanding control of both several Mediterranean islands with large Turkish population and more territory in the Levant. This issue was planned to be negotiate at the Malta Conference, but the bombing prevent any resolution from occurring.

With the end of the Malta conference, the Triumvirate collapse as both Turkey and Iberia blame the Italian government for the lack of security leading to the bombing. With no alliance binding them, the Turkish government decided that they would solve the border issue by force.


Potential Outcome

Unlike most conflicts in TNO, Italo-Turkish War's outcome has a huge number of variation based on who prevails in which front.