
From TNOpediA
Ideology GroupLiberalism
Notable PeopleJohn Locke Thomas Hobbes Montesquieu Immanuel Kant
Notable Parties Liberal Party (Canada)

The seed that was planted in the halls of ancient Athens, began to sprout with the American Revolution and finally blossomed into the world after the Congress of Vienna; the deep meaning behind the word Liberalism, rooted in the word "Liberty", has arguably become one, if not the most transformative political philosophies in history.

On a fundamental level, Liberalism proclaims the self-evident truth that all men are created equal, guaranteed the right to equality under the law, representation , accountability, and that they are entitled to these rights regardless of upbringing, class or country of origin, and while the subject of who qualifies for which has -and in many places still is- a longstanding subject of debate, civilizations who adhere to the principles of Liberalism on a base level all maintain an uncompromising loyalty to the principle of equality and freedom.

This fundamental truth makes virtually all forms of liberalism the de-facto arch enemy of fascism and totalitarianism and their fanatic cohorts, aspiring to be the dominant political compass of the world in defiance of the New World Order. While the cause of liberalism suffered a near-fatal blow in its defeat in the Second World War, with the former great liberal democracies of France and Britain having fallen to the Nazi jackboot, it lives on in the liberal democracies of the Western Hemisphere, and even if they, or the whole world itself even, crushed, it will never be stamped out of the human consciousness.

So long as a single human being possesses a will that is their own, the torch of liberalism shall never be extinguished.

Adherents[edit | edit source]

Countries[edit | edit source]

People[edit | edit source]