Russian Fascist Party

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Russian Fascist Party
Российская Фашистская Партия
Logo of RFP
Party Leader Mikhail Matkovsky (Magadan)

Konstantin Rodzaevsky (Amur)
Founder(s)Nikolai Nikiforov
Founded26 May 1931, 31 years ago
Ideology Clerical Fascism

NewspaperNash Put (Наш Путь)
Political PositionFar-right
ColoursBlack, Gold, White
Slogan"God, Nation, Labour"
Meeting between Konstantin Rodzaevsky (second from left) and other members of Russian Fascist Party, somewhere around 1950s.

The Russian Fascist Party is a Far-right party originated in Harbin, Manchuria. After the ideological split between Matkovsky and Rodzaevsky, the party was split into two, one in Amur, prioritizing Russian nationalism and another one in Magadan, prioritizing the corporatist system.


RFP was created in Harbin, Manchuria where the majority of Russian diaspora was located. Since its creation, RFP is now the biggest Russian fascist organization in the diaspora community.