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{{Infobox|above=<center>Reich Commissariat of Southwest Africa</center> <span style="font-size:85%;"> ''<div> <small> Reichskommissariat Sudwestafrika</small> </div>''|bodystyle=width:305px;|labelstyle=width:100px;|image1=[[File:Flag_RK_SUD.webp|250px]]|caption1=''The Flag of Reichskommissariat Sudwestafrika''|image2=[[File:Flag_of_Germany_(1935–1945).svg|150px]]|caption2=''Flag of the Germanic Reich'' <hr> '''TAG = ANG'''|header1=<center>Politics</center>|label2=Capital|data2=Windhoek|label3=Ruling Party|data3=[[File:National_Socialism_ideology_icon.png|25px]]
[[General Office for South African Affairs]]|label5=Head of State|data5=Reichskommissar [[Wolfgang Schenck]]|header8=<center>Diplomacy</center>|label9=Sphere|data9={{German Sphere}}|label10=Foreign Alignment|data10={{Autonomous Reichskommissariat}}|header11=<center>Economy</center>|label12=GDP|data12=WIP|label13=Credit Rating|data13=WIP|label14=Market Type|data14=WIP|abovestyle={{{Abovestyle|background-color:#4DB6B0;color:#061016;}}}|headerstyle={{{Headerstyle|background-color:#4DB6B0;color:#061016;}}}}}'''Reichskommissariat Sudwestafrika''' is a colonial holding of the [[Greater Germanic Reich]] administered by Reichskommissar [[Wolfgang Schenck]]. Sudwestafrika is one of three Reichkommisariats in Africa, bordering with [[Reichskommissariat Ostafrika]] and [[Reichskommissariat Zentralafrika]].
== DescriptionHistory ==
=== Sudwestafrika GovernmentPre-War ===
SudwestafrikaPreviously isbefore commanded,the by Reichskommissar Wolfgang Schenck. Previouslywar, Sudwestafrika was aan South African Mandate sinceas part of the endVersailles ofTreaty that ended the First World War 1. It was alsoAlso known as "South West Africa" while it was under South African Rule. But sometime in, the latewhole 1940's,landscape Naziwould Germanychange conqueredwhen South West Africa. Afterwards, it was made into a German Colony, known as "Sudwestafrika," and new policies were enacted to make Sudwestafrika into athe White-MajorityNazis colonyentered.
After the Second World War as part of the peace process, Nazi Germany annexed the region of South West Africa. Subsequently it was made into a German Colony, known as "Sudwestafrika," and new policies were enacted to make it into a White-Majority colony of the Reich.
Windhoek was designated, as the Capital, of Sudwestafrika. Furthermore, Wolfgang Schenck was made the new leader of Sudwestafrika. He oversaw the extermination of all the Black natives of Sudwestafrika. Any remaining Blacks were to be taken in as slaves, and they would work on slave plantations throughout Sudwestafrika. After this, Schenck would encourage the mass migration of ethnic Germans and White South Africans to repopulate Sudwestafrika.
=== German Colonisation ===
Nowadays, Windhoek is 100% White. Sudwestafrika is the only place throughout Africa that is White-Majority. Windhoek is full of ethnic Germans, White South Africans, and a few other European ethnicities. The SS, in Sudwestafrika, is primarily composed of German and White South African members. They do everything they can to supress any revolts in Sudwestafrika.
Under the colonisation efforts of the Germans, Windhoek was designated as the Capital of the Reichkomissariat, and subsequently the extermination of all the African natives of Sudwestafrika.
Any remaining natives that was spared from extermination was to be taken in as slaves for the colonial government, forced to work on rubber and crop plantations throughout Sudwestafrika.
There is a nationalist movement in Sudwestafrika known as the "SWAPO Party of Namibia." Their goal is to turn Sudwestafrika into an independent republic known as "Namibia." They would free the Black slaves, and the Whites and Blacks would be able to coexist in Namibia. But the members of this movement always get suppressed by the Sudwestafrika SS. This movement was founded sometime during the early 1950s.
After this process of ethnic cleansing and depopulation, Schenck and his government would encourage the mass migration of ethnic Germans and White South Africans to repopulate Sudwestafrika, through the building up of airports and civilian facilities to attract migration.
Nowadays, Windhoek is 100% White, made up of ethnic Germans, White South Africans, and a few other European ethnicities. Due to the policies instituted by the colonial government, Sudwestafrika is the only place throughout the African continent that is of a White-Majority.
Militarily, the SS in Sudwestafrika, is primarily composed of German and White South African members sympathetic to the colonial government. As part of the garrison force of the colony, they are generally used to supress any revolts in Sudwestafrika.
=== The Underground ===
There is a nationalist movement in Sudwestafrika known as the "SWAPO Party of Namibia." Their goal is to turn Sudwestafrika into an independent republic known as "Namibia." TheyFounded wouldsometime freeduring the Blackearly slaves1950s, andthey theare Whitesknown andfor Blackstheir wouldrebellious beactions, ableby to coexist in Namibia. Butfreeing the membersplantation ofslaves, thisand movementspreading alwaysliterature getand suppressedpamphlets byon thehow SudwestafrikaWhites SS.and ThisBlacks movementwould wasbe foundedable sometimeto duringcoexist thein earlyNamibia. 1950s.
Members of this movement are suppressed by the Sudwestafrika SS, however, the organisation exists, in the shadows of the Reichkommisariat.


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