Tsar and Soviets: TNO Berezniki Submod

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Tsar and Soviets: TNO Berezniki submod - submod adding content for Berezniki with four possible paths. Right now only the path of Belozersky and Kosygin is available. Path Maria and Gill planned there is also planned content for Vorkuta with the Essers.

Paths Berezniki

  • Beloozersky-this way about the former employee of NKVD, which flows blood of Rurikovich, during the Zemstvo council it is supported by army, and it wins. He builds a monarcho-socialist Russia with a mixed economy and also crushes Germany to ruin. Supports royalists in the Middle East, OAS, Spanish Republicans.
  • Kosygin-this one is about a former Soviet economist who, because of rumors that he's alive Alexei 2, wins the zemstvo. His way will not be easy during Vyattsky siezd bandits Taboritsky, kill the main after Alexei: Belozersky, Kazym Beck. He fights against terrorism and also creates the OGAS. He supports various socialists and also builds a planned economy.
  • Maria- the path developers want to rework the path because it's boring.
  • Gil-way if you undermine a lot of sovereignty, Kazim Beck dies. Solzhenitsin tries to annex Berzniki to Vyatka, but Gil's coup takes its course, he removes monarchism from the Mladorossi and takes the example of Italian fascist