V1.3.0d Unfinished Business Patch D

From TNOpediA

Unfinished Business Patch D is the v1.3.0d, for The New Order released on November 6, 2022, mainly fixing on the original Unfinished Business v1.3.0 version of the mod.

Minor Additions[edit | edit source]

- Japan and the US can now support factions in the Indonesian civil war in the event of a Lubis coup. In the event of a Suharto coup, both Japan and the US withdraw from the war

- Levant states reworked to prepare for additional skeleton content in Penelope's Web and playable content in Black Gold, Red Sands

- The states & provinces on the Amur-Magadan border have been reworked

- 3 new state lore entries for Italian East Africa

Bug Fixes[edit | edit source]

- Thai OC world event now has loc

- Removed random stray pixels on Yunnan's GAW GUI when set to look at individual regions

- Jogjakarta state lore now appears in Jogjakarta

- Fixed Quadros not coming to power sometimes despite being dominant

- Added several missing news event pics for Paraguay skeleton

- Iberian and US AI now affect the Colombian Civil War other than just sending volunteers

- Hopefully fixed Iberian Wars not ending due to the rage over losing Melilla to the Moroccans

- Fixed broken CTD when non-CW French Reclamation finished with Free French Victory

- French Reclamation no longer uses same flavor text for beating French State as Burgundy does

- Free French cores removed after Reconciliation and Reclamation

- Iberian Wars Portuguese Naval OOB no longer spawns in a province without a port

- Current supply workaround replaced with simpler, less buggy method, thanks to dlin369 on discord/github. (Does sometimes still breaks, but fixes itself on reload)

- Frigate tooltip in non-MtG tech tree no longer uses battleship desc

- Will no longer remove air wings from their group while trying to assign them to ground support

- Fixed Save Party Pop effect, should prevent many generic pop wheels

- Fixed NATO support unit icons for several different companies

- Liberal Socialism icon works properly now

- Fixed cropping on Strategic Cycles doctrine icon

- Reduced number of uses of "prostate" by 75% by fixing typos

- Nepal and Bhutan have full names

- Coquimbo is not part of the Greater La "Serna" Metropolitan Area anymore

- Fixed a glitch where Japan would sometimes be unable to send volunteers to Indonesia

- When Pinay is elected in France, France is still called as the French State, but not the French Republic

- Red Finland gets cores to all Finland if it wins in the civil war

- Finland no longer causes 2WRW early

- Patrice Lumumba is not a liberal head of the post-decolonized Congo

- The Boers Republic get cores to all the South Africa territories after Schild's total victory

- The Ukrainian National Republic is no longer Integrated Reichskommissariat

- The Republic of Belarus no longer have a core to Wilna

- Paktkommission Kongo's GDP growth no longer crashes

- Léopoldville Verwaltung gets a faction status idea properly after the Großafrikanischer Reichsstaat is collapsed

- Safed and Golan Heights is no longer controlled by Italian Middle East after its dissolution

- Iberian Algeria gets cores to Sétif, Constantine and Aurès after it wins in the Algerian War

- Heydrich should be functional

- Heydrich gets his Dönitz event during the GCW again

- Ostland and Denmark will now properly enter Bormann's sphere correctly

- Speidel will no longer put the socialist Ranković in charge of Reichsprotektorat Serbien

- Germany's espionage decisions no longer crush OFN unity by clamping a variable out of 30 to a max of 10.

- Himmler no longer tries to increase Legion support in Brittany

- Himmler no longer sends penal battalions to secretly build infrastructure and prisons in Germany

- Viipuri state lore is now located in Viipuri

- Implemented/Fixed missing minister portraits for the Chetniks

- Great Game GUI has the Italian image in the correct place again

- English Nationwide devastation and radicalization now take Somerset into account

- English general Peter Kerrigan has remembered his name

- RFK's Social Security no longer causes a nation-wide crisis that leads to the bill always failing

- Spawning the Revolutionary Communes of Orenburg during After Midnight no longer CTDs

- Rykov dynamic loc works properly

- AI should be able to properly integrate Komi Soviet and form West Russian United Front

- AI is disabled on End NAP/Unification decisions for Left Komi and WRRF if one of the tags is a player

- Players should no longer be able to select both the End NAP and Unify decisions at once

- Fixed everyone's favorite Komi leader, Leonid Kantorovich (literally who, man's been broke since NSB and no one noticed)

- Player can no longer sneak wonders into superregional by holding events

- Integrating Gorky peacefully as Left Komi no longer causes their generals to flee to the WRRF

- Left Komi now had the proper minister sets after the election and during Smuta

- Saranpaul can no longer pull an investment scam on Tyumen to get the highest GDPc on the planet

- Stalina will no longer coup everyone, including herself, if they only get a plurality in the election

- Stalina gets replaced correctly with power vacuum after get purged

- Komi's coups should now work properly again

- Several of the readded flavor events have been blocked from triggering if peacefully integrated

- Kissinger Epilogue event can now fire correctly

- Schlafly FAAI Act has a working icon

- US no longer leaves an extra 250 guns behind after raiding Dominican weapon stores

- Hart should no longer resurrect to make Chep watch him die again and ruin his presidency

- McCormack's 22nd amendment event now triggers in the correct year

- 22nd and 23rd amendments have been changed in loc so that 22nd isn't ratified after the 23rd.

- Kirkpatrick's bio no longer calls here a founder member of the modern Nationalist wing

- Added loc for US's pre Colombian Civil War events

- Canadian GDP is less odd, now with N. Ontario having 1/10 the economy and N. Saskatchewan having 10x the population

- Negotiations on Schlafly's FAAI now actually triggers the correct events

- Getting the Ports back now triggers the correct world event

- Hungary no longer get a Hart event

- The Republicans no longer sweep the nation if they go under 15 senators

- The event for Schlafly's cabinet now properly fires

- Poland, Denmark, and Norway now have their correct puppet types when conquered post-GCW

- Finland no longer keeps an idea referring to Karelia should they loose the Murmansk War

- Reichsprotektorat Serbien is no longer a Mitsreiter and is now actually a Reichsprotektorat

- Bormann will no longer decrease the popularity of non-existent esoteric nazism in his events and focuses

- Militärbezirks Moskowien & Russland are now military districts rather than autonomous reichskommisariats, as the name would suggest

- Nazi Paraguay now rejoin's Germany's economic sphere as intended

- Magadan no longer licks the boots of the Americans so hard they join their economic sphere twice

- Werbell's grey economy actually gives credit rating progress now as stated in the national spirit

- Djibouti is no longer 50 miles inland

- Asmara is now in its correct location in the Eritrean highlands and not on the coast hundreds of miles away

- Larionov becomes a minister in Komi's Smuta tree properly due to a weird eccentricity in PDX's character system

- Old Rightist ministers removed when new ones are added in Komi's Smuta tree

- Tabby's clock has slowed down to account for changes in timing caused by Smuta addition, hopefully(?) will no longer die two years early

- AM leaders who are also generals should no longer disappear partway into AM

- Larionov properly takes over after Tabby's death now

- Fixed The Reckoning timer triggering again due to a variable using Komi's pre-TT tag

- AM Amur takes now takes all the territory Amur gets during regional rather than just one of three

- All West Africa Crisis scenario peace deals work

- South Africa War OFN victory has been fixed

- Unit Flags are no longer black boxes

- Hart bills should no longer be broken

- US can now form the Central Asian Solidarity Alliance when they have the correct number of delegates

- Hart and Goldwater not longer get a RFK assassination epilogue event if RFK was voted out

- NPP Draft bill now has loc in the bill deccat

- Fixed Serbia not being in German sphere

- Fixed Germany being a mitsreiter

- Fixed Zollverein appearing twice in Speers economic GUI

- Ultravisionary Socialism has its name appear properly for Kardashev

- AM tags have the right generic portraits and names again

- Peace Popup Flavor text now appears again for AM wars

- Siberian Free Territory in AM will no longer spawn units in Mongolia and Xinjiang

- AM warlords have names for non-ruling parties again

- AM warlords now properly use tech art from pre-AM tags

- Irkutsk regional tree now properly unlocks after a side secures power

- Fixed Colombian Civil War decisions for Iberia not going away when the war ends

- Portuguese Civil War during Iberian Wars is no longer called the Portuguese-Portuguese War

- LATAM has generic portraits for officers

Balance Changes[edit | edit source]

- Significantly adjusted the cost and reward of many actions which are part of the gauntlet mechanic

- Nerfed the Nationalist caucus' starting popularity

- Buffed Speer to be at an equal level to Bormann

- Nerfed Göring, with harsher nerfs on AI Göring

- Nerfed AI Heydrich

- Speer no longer spawns units in Königsberg

- The German Civil War should now end much earlier (around 6-10 months after start)

- Military effects of Devastating War spirit increased to correspond with decreased devastation gain in ECW

QoL Improvements[edit | edit source]

- Shift-clicking in Battle of Sichuan GUI sets weapons and pp to max

Other Changes[edit | edit source]

- Added a couple of provinces to Delaware, as well as several additional new Victory Points in the northeast US

- Added several victory points to Guatemala, Honduras, and Costa Rica

- Fidel Castro's subideology is changed from Social Nationalism to Provisional Government

- The Colombian Revolutionary Union's starter parties popularity is changed

- Seyß-Inquart dies 200 days later, preventing it from happening pre-GCW

- English AI much less likely to campaign for extremists and will have easier time of reconstruction

- When communist Oman, both socialist Egypt and Iraq win in the civil wars, they get post-war names

- New Granada is part of the Italian Sphere

- Added failsafe to Ferus in case player crushes Buryat mutiny in first month

- WRRF integrating Komi now only slightly hurts pp gain for 2 months, rather than the -1 pp per day it was before

- One less city named after Voroshilov

- LBJ no longer has his liberal variables significantly increased when facing Wallace leading to him loosing in a landslide

- Passing and vetoing the Civil Rights Act of 1962 now actually impacts popularity

- The Co-Prosperity Sphere is no longer run by the English in name

- Tabby loses totalitarian police and gets Death Squads after starting superregional

- Only sphere leaders will receive penalties for not having a navy

- Many gamerules localization was fixed and improved, colored and texticons were given

- Beginning of backend reorganization of tech art gfx files, may cause issues for some submods

- Kissinger treaties are now moved to be activated by decision

- If regions other than West Russia are at war with Finland, Finland can now offer peace deals to them

- Tabby gets State Cult law now

- The HRE collapsing no longer greatly lowers poverty in Russia

- Any generals recruited during Smuta by Right Komi will be lost if Tabby takeovers

- Love wins, Yevdokia Bershanskaya gets married to her OTL 2nd husband, now uses name Bocharova

- Venezuela's natspirits have effects now