Reichskommissariat Norwegen

From TNOpediA
Reich Commissariat of Norway
Reichskommissariat Norwegen
Flag of the Reichskommissariat Moskowien
Ruling Party Nasjonal Samling - Mainstream
Head of StateReichskommissar Josef Terboven
Head of GovernmentGulbrand Lunde
Sphere Grossraum Kontinentaleuropa
Foreign Alignment Autonomous Reichskommissariat, Einheitspakt
Credit Rating Fair
Market Type Gelenkte Wirtschaft

Description[edit | edit source]

Reichskommissariat Norwegen is an Autonomous Reichskommissariat of the Greater Germanic Reich founded in April 1940, just after the capitulation of the Kingdom of Norway.

It was and still is mainly used by the Reich as a primary distributor of Iron ore and Heavy water, a very rare material used for the creation of Atomic Bombs for example.

Nordstern, or Neu Drontheim[edit | edit source]

The area of Nordstern, located in the south-west of Trondheim and on the small village of Øysand, was ceded by the Norwegians to the Germans as the location for a German settlement colony. It was formerly annexed into the Reich just after the Second World War and construction almost immediately began.

Nowadays, the city inhabits 34,170 people and has developed its own unique German culture: Nordendeutsch.

The development of this colony, however, is only as its early stages, as the German plan for Nordstern is for it to become a metropolis capable of having a population of around 350,000 germans and for it to also be one of the biggest Kriegsmarine base in the North Sea.