Second Patriotic Army

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Second Patriotic Army
Segundo Ejército Patriótico
Ruling Party Acción Nacionalista (Tr: Nationalist Action)
Head of StateAlfonso Uribe Misas
Head of GovernmentJosé Camacho Carreño
Sphere Grossraum Kontinentaleuropa
Foreign AlignmentNon-Aligned
Market Type Gelenkte Wirtschaft

The Second Patriotic Army (Segundo Ejército Patriótico) is a Colombian Ariociollist (ideologically National Socialist-alligned) paramilitary group that rises up against the central government in Bogota in the Northeast, prior to that when they take over Barranquilla. They are led by Alfonso Uribe Misas, then later by Diogenes Gil in the 2nd Civil War, and finally by José Camacho Carreño. It is supported by the Greater Germanic Reich and the Dominican Republic if the Puerto Plata Invasion previously failed. After victory, it forms the Free State of Colombia, and quickly falls into a second civil war with the United Democratic Front and the Schwartau's National Socialist League.