Timeline: Difference between revisions

From TNOpediA
Content deleted Content added
Line 78: Line 78:
* Summer: A group of young Caribbean revolutionaries assembled in Cuba begin planning an invasion of the Dominican Republic to overthrown Trujillo with the secret backing of the Cuban government. These revolutionaries form the first Caribbean Legion.
* Summer: A group of young Caribbean revolutionaries assembled in Cuba begin planning an invasion of the Dominican Republic to overthrown Trujillo with the secret backing of the Cuban government. These revolutionaries form the first Caribbean Legion.
* September: The Caribbean Legion launches a military expedition from Cayo Confites, Cuba to the Dominican Republic, but it fails. In response, the Dominican Republic bombs several locations in Cuba.
* September: The Caribbean Legion launches a military expedition from Cayo Confites, Cuba to the Dominican Republic, but it fails. In response, the Dominican Republic bombs several locations in Cuba.
* Unknown: The political awakening in Afghanistan caused by Shah Mahmud Khan 's reforms see the rise of the Wesh Dzalmian as the main force of progressivism in the country
* Unknown: The political awakening in Afghanistan caused by Shah Mahmud Khan's reforms see the rise of the Wesh Dzalmian as the main force of progressivism in the country
* Unknown: Jaramogi Oginga Odinga founds Luo Thrift and Trading Corporation in Kenya to economically uplift the Luo people
* Unknown: Jaramogi Oginga Odinga founds Luo Thrift and Trading Corporation in Kenya to economically uplift the Luo people
* Unknown: The Battle of Chongqing ends with a Japanese victory, ending the Japanese invasion of China and the Second World War in Asia.
* Unknown: The Battle of Chongqing ends with a Japanese victory, ending the Japanese invasion of China and the Second World War in Asia.
Line 179: Line 179:
* February 28: A schism occurs in the UCR over the party's national committee picking [[Arturo Frondizi]] as presidential nominee over Ricardo Balbín in the Argentine Presidential Elections.
* February 28: A schism occurs in the UCR over the party's national committee picking [[Arturo Frondizi]] as presidential nominee over Ricardo Balbín in the Argentine Presidential Elections.
* March 31: The Liberal Party comes into power in Canada after a major electoral win in the 1958 federal election.
* March 31: The Liberal Party comes into power in Canada after a major electoral win in the 1958 federal election.
* June 9: The Snipe War breaks out between Argentina and Chile over a disputed border in the Beagle Channel
* July 14: The Golden Square goverment is overthrown in Iraq through a revolution lead by the Free Officer Movement.
* July 14: The Golden Square goverment is overthrown in Iraq through a revolution lead by the Free Officer Movement.
* October 9: Pope Pius XII dies
* October 9: Pope Pius XII dies
Line 186: Line 187:
* Unknown: Nikolai Voznesensky is elected President of Komi
* Unknown: Nikolai Voznesensky is elected President of Komi
* Unknown: [[Burgundy|Ordensstaat Burgundy]] is established as an agreement between Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler in light of the [[SS Rebellion]]
* Unknown: [[Burgundy|Ordensstaat Burgundy]] is established as an agreement between Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler in light of the [[SS Rebellion]]
* Unknown: The Snipe War breaks out between Argentina and Chile over a disputed border in the Beagle Channel
* Unknown: Li Ka-shing splits from Sony to establish Cheung Kong Enterprises to sell Sony-made goods to the Chinese and Zhujin markets.
* Unknown: Li Ka-shing splits from Sony to establish Cheung Kong Enterprises to sell Sony-made goods to the Chinese and Zhujin markets.

Revision as of 23:29, 26 April 2024

This timeline of events preceding the events of The New Order: The Last Days of Europe covers the events of major importance (between 1939-1961) that affected or led to the starting situation of nations.

To view events preceding 1939, please refer to Timeline of Events (1920-1938).



  • March 14: The Pro-German Slovak Republic is created
  • March 15: Germany occupies the rest of Czechoslovakia in violation of the Munich Agreement, establishing the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in the former Czech lands.
  • April 1: The Spanish Civil War ends with a Nationalist Victory. Spain becomes a dictatorship under Francisco Franco's leadership.
  • September 1: Germany invades Poland, kickstarting the Second World War.
  • September 3: Britain and France declares war on Germany in retaliation for the invasion of Poland.
  • September 27: Warsaw falls to the Germans.
  • October 6: Poland capitulates to the Germans.
  • November 30: The Winter War occurs, with the Soviet Invasion of Finland.



  • April 9: Operation Weserubung occurs, resulting in the invasion of Denmark and Norway.
  • April 9: Denmark capitulates to the Germans.
  • May 10: Fall Gelb (Case Yellow) is launched, German Armoured units invade the Low Countries of Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and France.
  • June 10: The Norwegian Army capitulates, ending Operation Weserubung.
  • November 5: Republican candidate Thomas Dewey wins the election for President of United States beating the Democratic candidate Harry Hopkins.


  • Spring: The British-backed government of Iraq is overthrown by a group of nationalist generals called the Golden Square with assistance of the Axis Powers.
  • June 22: Operation Barbarossa is launched. German and Axis units begin their attacks all across the western border of the USSR, opening the Eastern Front of the Second World War.
  • December 7: The Imperial Japanese Navy launches a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor destroying many U.S. naval ships. The US declares War on Japan.
  • December 11: In Accordance with the Tripartite Pact, Italy and Germany declare war on the US.
  • December 25: Moscow falls to the Germans, the Politburo shifts further east.
  • December: Joseph Stalin soft-coup's the U.S.S.R by forcing a vote to re-staff the Politburo, Bukharin vanishes in the Russian Far East shortly after.


  • June 7: The US Pacific Fleet is destroyed by the Japanese at the Battle of Midway
  • Unknown: Italian and German forces invades the British Mandate of Palestine


  • April: The German launches an invasion of the British Island in Operation Sealion.
  • Early 1943: The Republic of Ireland with German assistance, invades Northern Ireland, shortly after Operation Sea Lion.
  • June: Adolf Hitler announces the formation of Reichskommissariat Kaukasien, carved out of the Caucasian SSRs.
  • June 4: Argentine military coups the government in response to government effort to remove a prominent pro-axis military officer from his cabinet post
  • Unknown: The British Raj collapses leading to the formation of the Republic of India. In the chaos, Burma wins its de-facto independence from the Raj.


  • May 28: José María Velasco Ibarra leads a civilian-based movement that overthrow the Ecuadorian dictatorship in what would be called the "Glorious May Revolution"
  • November 7: Thomas Dewey barely wins a second term as US President thanks to General Eisenhower's initial success in holding off the German invasion into Scotland, despite a division among the Democrats.
  • December: Operation Ichi-Go succeeds and sees the Japanese destroy the Republic of China's fighting capability in Henan, Hunnan and Guangxi.


  • April: Allied forces withdraw from Scotland, formally ending the European theatre of the Second World War. Remaining British forces capitulate soon after.
  • July 4: A German bomber drops an atomic bomb on Pearl Harbor, wiping out the US Pacific Fleet.
  • Late August: President Dewey signs the Akagi Accords that both surrenders the US's Pacific territories to the Japanese and the signing of a non-aggression pact with the Germans, formally ending the Second World War.
  • October: General Alvaro Eduardo Avalos leads a coup backed by pro-Allied politicians to overthrow the Pro-Axis government established in 1943. Juan Peron is arrested for his role in that government.
  • Unknown: Burma signs the Shonan Agreement formally becoming an independent nation.
  • Unknown: The Philippine Communist Party begins its guerilla campaign against the Japanese Occupation.
  • Unknown: Swedish Prime Minister Per Albin Hansson suddenly dies


  • February 24: The UCR-lead Democratic Union alliance wins a narrow victory over the Peron-led Labor party, leading to Jose Tamborini to become president of Argentina.
  • May 9: Afghan Prime Minister Sadar Mohammd Hashim Khan is replaced by his brother Shah Mahmud Khan under the order of Mohammed Zahir Shah to hopefully move the country in a progressive direction.
  • Unknown: The Faroe Islands declares its formal independence from Denmark.
  • Unknown: The 1946 Romanian famine occurs, Ion Antonescu would step away from politics as a result. Mihai Antonescu, with Ion's blessing becomes de-facto leader.


  • Summer: A group of young Caribbean revolutionaries assembled in Cuba begin planning an invasion of the Dominican Republic to overthrown Trujillo with the secret backing of the Cuban government. These revolutionaries form the first Caribbean Legion.
  • September: The Caribbean Legion launches a military expedition from Cayo Confites, Cuba to the Dominican Republic, but it fails. In response, the Dominican Republic bombs several locations in Cuba.
  • Unknown: The political awakening in Afghanistan caused by Shah Mahmud Khan's reforms see the rise of the Wesh Dzalmian as the main force of progressivism in the country
  • Unknown: Jaramogi Oginga Odinga founds Luo Thrift and Trading Corporation in Kenya to economically uplift the Luo people
  • Unknown: The Battle of Chongqing ends with a Japanese victory, ending the Japanese invasion of China and the Second World War in Asia.
  • Unknown: A failed Nationalist revolt in Madagascar occurs, known as the Malagasy Uprising
  • Unknown: The exiled Dutch government in Suriname ratifies a new Dutch constitution.


  • October 27: Manuel A. Odría and the Peruvian military launches a coup, ending the presidency of José Luis Bustamante y Rivero for refusing to ban the left-wing APRA.
  • November: The 1948 US Presidential Elections sees General Dwight D. Eisenhower defeat Republican nominee Robert Taft.
  • Unknown: Fidel Castro splits from the Caribbean Legion and forms the Second Caribbean Legion
  • Unknown: Queen Wilhelmina abdicates her title as Queen of the Netherlands
  • Unknown: Celâl Bayar and his followers splits from the CHP to form the Democrat Party


  • December 27: Japan formally grants Indonesia its Independence.
  • Unknown: Members of the Wesh Dzalmian are elected to the Afghan Wolesi Jirga
  • Unkown: The Estado Novo regime in Brazil ends with a military coup after an assassination attempt on a well-known anti-Vargas journalist. Shortly after this, a new Brazilian Constitution is written and ratified
  • Unknown: Luo Thrift and Trading Corporation is shut down by the SS
  • Unknown: Prime Minister Son Ngoc Thanh declares the formation of the Republic of Kampuchea



  • November 3: Eduardo Gomes won the 1950 Brazilian Presidential Election
  • Unknown: The Kanton Protocols of 1950 craves out an independent state in the region of Guangdong, forming the State of Guangdong


  • November 11: In response to Juan Peron's victory in the presidential election, members of the Argentine government and military attempt a self-coup to prevent him from coming into power.
  • Unknown: Shripad Amrit Dange becomes chairman of the Communist Party of India
  • Unknown: Abba Kovner is believed to have been killed by German authorities, however this was a ruse.
  • Unknown: Phillip Petain, Head of the French State dies of old age.


  • March 10: Fulgencio Batista coups the Cuban government out of fear of losing the 1952 presidential election
  • March 26: Dudley Shelton Senanayake succeeds his father as Prime Minister of Sri Lanka
  • Unknown: The Nationalist faction of the Burmese military coups the Burmese government
  • Unknown: Turkish forces seize control of Iraqi Kurdistan
  • Unknown: Antonescu announces the return of party politics in Romania


  • July 26: Fidel Castro leads a small group of anti-Batista rebels to attack several military barracks, in hopes of starting a full-on revolt, but the attack fails and Castro escapes to Mexico, where he creates the 26th of July movement.
  • August: Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh is couped with German-backing after he makes an effort to nationalize DPÖ.
  • Unknown: The Communist Party of Brazil is banned by Brazilian authorities.
  • Unknown: The Gomes government gets rid of Vargas-era minimum wage policies, causing a backlash against the UDN leading to their loss in 1955
  • Unknown: Benito Mussolini, Duce of Italy dies, his son-in-law Galeazzo Ciano succeeds him.
  • Unknown: Chairman Alfonso Uribe Misas of the Nationalist Action Party in Colombia pens a Manifesto that would serve as the foundation of Ariocriollismo.
  • Unknown: Sukarno solidifies his power over Indonesia, allowing Japan to gain a growing influence over it economy due to his policies.


  • Unknown: The Burmese government, under pressure from Japan passes legislation that bans Communism in the country
  • Unknown: Colombian President Jorge Eliécer Gaitán is assassinated causing a political crisis in the country, leading to the Columbian Civil War
  • Unknown: Morita Akio founds Sony Electronics Company in partnership with Li Ka-shing


  • November 11: A group of military officers launches a counter-coup to prevent an attempt by UDN politicians to prevent Brazilian president-elect Juscelino Kubitschek from taking office.
  • Unknown: The Alpine Crisis begins as Germany demands that Switzerland becomes a German protectorate or face invasion. In response, Italy mobilizes its forces to defend the Swiss.


  • Summer: Reichsleiter Joseph Goebbels is murdered by partisans in Reichskommissariat Moskowien.
  • April: Ion Antonescu dies of organ failure as a result of neurosyphilis, ending his reign as Conductor of Romania.
  • July: Manuel Prado Ugarteche become president of Peru again following the previous month's election
  • Late: A general uprising led by David Stirling and Bill Alexander against the BPP controlled British government begins and is later crushed. The uprising's occurrence leads to the resignation of A.K Chesterton as Prime Minister. Barry Domvile succeeds him.
  • Unknown: Juan Peron is overthrown by a conspiracy between the Argentine military and various oppositional political groups led by Eduardo Lonardi who places a temporary junta in power. This new government also issues a decree that bans any pro-Peronist images and depictions.
  • Unknown: A ceasefire ends the Columbian Civil War, but the country is still divided between the three main factions of the civil war
  • Unknown: Komla Agbeli Gbedemah is elected the president of Ghana
  • Unknown: The National Defense Law is passed in Manchuria, subordinated the Imperial Army to the Kwantung Army
  • Unknown: The Alpine Crisis ends as the Germans are preoccupied with the West Russian War to potentially fight a war with Italy. Germany formally retracts its Swiss demands. As a concession, Liechtenstein is annexed into the Reich.


  • February 9: Regent of Hungary Miklós Horthy dies, his son Istvan succeeds him and becomes Regent.
  • February 25: The West Russian War ends as a ceasefire is called. The West Russian Revolutionary Front fractures as a result.
  • March 13: José Antonio Echeverría leads a group of guerrillas in a failed assault on the Cuban presidential palace. Echeverría, however escapes thanks to aid from CIA and DFS agents.
  • November 30: the National Party loses its majority against the Labour Party in the 1957 New Zealand General Election
  • December 10: Napoleon Zervas, founder of EDES, dies
  • Unknown: Social Credit Party of Canada forms an alliance with right-wing parts of the Québécois independence movement forming the party's Francophone wing
  • Unknown: The Iberian Union joins the anti-German alliance between Turkey and Italy forming the Triumvirate.
  • Unknown: The United Malayan Anti Japanese Front (UMAJF) begins its insurrection against the Colonial Authority of Shonan-Marai
  • Unknown: The All-Filipino Revolutionary Socialist Republic (AFRSR) is established in the North of the Phillipines, in Luzon.


  • February 28: A schism occurs in the UCR over the party's national committee picking Arturo Frondizi as presidential nominee over Ricardo Balbín in the Argentine Presidential Elections.
  • March 31: The Liberal Party comes into power in Canada after a major electoral win in the 1958 federal election.
  • June 9: The Snipe War breaks out between Argentina and Chile over a disputed border in the Beagle Channel
  • July 14: The Golden Square goverment is overthrown in Iraq through a revolution lead by the Free Officer Movement.
  • October 9: Pope Pius XII dies
  • October 28: Angelo Maria Roncalli is elected pope and given the name Pope John XXIII
  • Unknown: Anti-Turkish Rebellion occurs in Syria.
  • Unknown: Éamon de Valera is pressured to become the president of Ireland
  • Unknown: Nikolai Voznesensky is elected President of Komi
  • Unknown: Ordensstaat Burgundy is established as an agreement between Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler in light of the SS Rebellion
  • Unknown: Li Ka-shing splits from Sony to establish Cheung Kong Enterprises to sell Sony-made goods to the Chinese and Zhujin markets.


  • January 1: Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista flees to the Dominican Republic after Cuban revolutionaries win a major victory over the government.
  • November 9: President Jose Laurel of the Second Philippines Republic dies, he is succeeded by José Yulo.
  • Unknown: Ibuka Masaru becomes president of Fujistu
  • Unknown: Tension rises between the German African RKs and the Brazilian government, due to the presence of illegal fishing ships and pirates from African lands to enter Brazilian waters sparking the so-called Lobster War.
  • Unknown: Ante Pavelić, leader of the Croatian Ustaše organization, dies. This leads to Italy gaining more influence over Croatia and the Ustaše movement being suppressed
  • Unknown: The Dominican Government launches a nation-wide crackdown on dissent out of fear of them being inspired by the revolution in Cuba
  • Unknown: In response to the military coup in Iraq, the Triumvirate launches an invasion. However the Iraqi military is able to hold them off and leads to a treaty being signed between Iraq and Italy.
  • Unknown: Prince Phetsarath Rattanavongsa ends his tenure as prime minister of Laos.
  • Unknown: The AFRSR attempts to topple the Japanese backed Second Philippine Republic in Manila, kickstarting the 1959 Philippine War
  • Unknown: Matsuzawa Takuji begins to head Yasuda's operations in Guangdong


  • Unknown: The Cameroon People Republic-backed African Continental Army launches raids into the German-controlled Congo



  • October 3: Henrique Lott wins the 1960 Brazilian Presidential election.
  • November 26: The National Party regains its majority in the 1960 New Zealand General Election
  • December: US President Estes Kefauver breaks the Akagi Accords by declaring Hawaii a US state under Japanese occupation and declare an oil embargo on Japan. In response, Japan begins the installation of ICBM sites in Hawaii
  • Unknown: Inspired by the Cuban Revolution, Socialist Revolutionaries overthrow the Ecuadorian government, however the revolution would be quashed by a Peruvian military intervention.
  • Unknown: PNT obtained its largest majority in Romanian parliament following the 1960 elections
  • Unknown: Suzuki Teiichi is appointed by Prime Minister Ino to become Chief Executive of the State of Guangdong


  • March 5: The Democratic Front of Chile suffers a major loss in the 1961 parliamentary election, only retaining power by inviting the Radical Party into the front.
  • August 21: Peter D'Aguiar is elected president of Guyana.
  • November: US Spy Planes discover that the Japanese have installed ICBM sites on the Hawaii island of Kaui. This kickstarts the Hawaiian Missile Crisis.
  • December: Nixon reveals the presence of Japanese missiles in Hawaii and sends a US naval forces to "blockade" the island, preventing any further missile shipments on the island. December: Japan launches their own fleets in response to the US reaction. A full-on war is avoided thanks to Vice President Kennedy advocating for negotiations.
  • Unknown: Jean-Baptiste Hachème become president of the Gbeland
  • Unknown: Ângelo Nolasco de Almeida is placed in charge of the Administration of Cayenne by the Brazilian Goverment
  • Unknown: Ibrahim Yusupov elected President of Karakalpakstan
  • Unknown: The 1959 Philippine War formally ends with a ceasefire between the AFRSR and the Second Philippine Republic