Australian Labor Party

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Australian Labor Party
Founded : 1901
Political Position : Centre-Left to Left Wing

The Australian Labor Party is an Australian political party founded on paper in 1901, but have its origins in various state level branch of the Labor Party dating back to 1891. Despite sharing a name with the British Labor Party, the Australian Labor Party's state level branch are actually older. The Australian Labor Party is a dominant force in Australian politics either serving as a the ruling government or main opposition party in Parliament since 1910. Currently the Australian Labor Party is the ruling party in Australian Parliament

Factions[edit | edit source]

Right Faction: Represent those in the party who advocate for the Free-Market, but also work towards reforming the system to work for everyone. The factions' base also tends to be more socially conservative than other groups in the Australian Labor Party. This means that the faction tends to be more anti-Immigrant and war hawkish in attitude.

Left Faction: Represent those in the party who advocate for what they call "revolution through the polls" in that they seek to use elections and parliamentary politics to transition Australia into Socialist style of economics. The faction also advocate for more pacifist policies and support anti-racist measures against both immigrant and the country's Aboriginals population.

Membership[edit | edit source]

Right Faction[edit | edit source]

Kim Beazley Sr. - Prime Minister of Australia

Arthur Calwell - Member of the Australian Parliament for Melbourne

Gough Whitlam - Member of the Australian Parliament for Werriwa

Left Faction[edit | edit source]

H. V. Evatt - Member of the Australian Parliament for Hunter

Clyde Cameron - Member of the Australian Parliament for Hindmarsh

Jim Cairns - Member of the Australian Parliament for Yarra