Free Philippine Republic

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Free Philippine Republic
Third Republic of the Philippines
Republika ng Pilipinas
Flag of the Free Philippine Republic

Location of the Free Philippine Republic
(Light Green)

CapitalManila (de jure), Tacloban (de facto)
Ruling Party Partido Nacionalista
Head of StateCarlos Garcia y Polistico
Sphere No Sphere
Foreign AlignmentNon-Aligned
Credit Rating Good
Market Type Free Market Capitalism

"I die without seeing the dawn brighten over my native land." - Quote upon capitulating the Free Philippine Republic

The Free Philippine Republic, officially the Third Republic of the Philippines, is one of the three rival governments in the Philippine Archipelago. The nation is an unrecognized state created in opposition to the Japanese-Backed Second Philippine Republic, based in Mindanao. They border the Japanese-sponsored Second Philippine Republic to the north.

It consists of Guerrilla forces of WWII-era US forces in the Philippines that failed to escape the Japanese Invasion of the Philippines during the Second World War. The Guerilla forces begrudgingly work alongside the remnants of the former Philippine Commonwealth Army.

It holds an uneasy truce and alliance with the Hukbalahap Regime in Northern Luzon, the resistance movement led by Luis Taruc.

History (Pre-1962)[edit | edit source]

The Commonwealth Era (1935-1941)[edit | edit source]

Under the passage of the Tydings-Mcduffle Act, the Philippines was promoted from an American territory to an self-governing Commonwealth to prepare the country for total independence in 10 years time. Manuel L. Quezon would be the Commonwealth's first president.

World War II and the Fall of the Commonwealth (1941)[edit | edit source]

10 hours after the Pearl Harbor attack, the Empire of Japan invaded the Commonwealth of the Philippines and created the Second Philippine Republic headed by the KALIBAPI. The Partido Nacionalista would flee the country alongside Manuel L. Quezon and Douglas MacArthur would promise to return and liberate the country from Japan.

Failed Liberation and American Surrender in World War II (1944-1945)[edit | edit source]

Despite attempts to live up to his promise, MacArthur would fail to return to the Philippines. America would surrender on July 04, 1945 to Japan after an Nuclear Bombing on Pearl Harbor. American troops on the island would be trapped after being abandoned and would work with the remnants of the Philippine Commonwealth Army, conducting sabotage and harassment in Mindanao and Visayas.

Harassing the Second Republic and Alliance with the Hukbalahap (1945-1959)[edit | edit source]

The American Forces and Commonwealth Army would harass the Japanese Garrisons and the Second Republic's attempts to restore order. Carlos Garcia would continue leading the resistance however his nationalism would anger the American exiles. Especially causing a rift with that of the United States, seeing his greater alignment of pragmatism to work with them. Nevertheless, Carlos Garcia would make an alliance with the Hukbalahap in the north, leading to the Philippine War in 1959.

The Philippine War (1959 - 1961)[edit | edit source]

Alongside the Hukbalahap, the American and Commonwealth Exiles would come back to oust the KALIBAPI Regime. However as the war progressed, the Huks would eventually retreat into the Cordillera Base Region and proclaim a rival government named the All-Filipino Revolutionary Socialist Republic. The Commonwealth and American Exiles would get bogged down but liberate Mindanao and half of Visayas and in Tacloban, Carlos Garcia would proclaim a rival government named the Free Philippine Republic. A ceasefire would be called in 1961 but as the KALIBAPI remain on the knees in Manila and the continuing instability of working with the Huks, peace would not last in the archipelago.

All Paths:[edit | edit source]


Simbang Gabi Coup (December 24, 1962)[edit | edit source]

Guaranteed to occur at all times, tension between the American Exiles and Commonwealth Remnants would culminate in an clash on December 24, 1962 during the Simbang Gabi Festival. What happens here will decide the fate of the Republic's Alliance with not just the Hukbalahap, but also their Alliance with the United States of America.

Coup Succeeds: American Victory[edit | edit source]

If the Coup succeeds fully and Carlos Garcia fails in his countercoup, Wendell Fertig will put José Avelino in power as promised from their alliance. Additionally, Avelino will allow the US to be able to keep the alliance with the Hukbalahap. Regardless of the fate of the alliance with the Huks, The Free Philippine Republic will ALWAYS join the US Sphere.

Coup Fails: Carlos Garcia remains[edit | edit source]

If the Coup fails, Carlos Garcia will remain in power. While the alliance with the United States will be viewed far more negatively, Garcia will allow the US to have a say in whether or not should the alliance with the Huks remain. However, the Philippines will not join the US Sphere but instead, become an OFN Partner.

Coup Succeeds, Countercoup: Carlos Garcia remains[edit | edit source]

If the Coup succeeds and Carlos Garcia succeeds in his countercoup, He will assert his independence and bring the Philippines away from the United States. While the US will still back and deal with Reconstruction, the Philippines will not become an OFN Partner and additionally, will lock the Philippines into breaking the alliance with the Hukbalahap.

Balintawak Blitz (April 1963)[edit | edit source]

Shortly after the Yasuda Crisis and at a similar time with the Puerto Plata Invasion, the Balintawak Blitz will fire and the Free Philippine Republic, alongside the All-Filipino Revolutionary Socialist Republic, will invade the Second Philippine Republic.

If the Race for Manila ends in success:[edit | edit source]

If the United States of America and the Free Philippine Republic arrives in Manila before the Hukbalahap, the Alliance with the Hukbalahap will always break, starting the Philippine Civil War, If Fertig’s Coup succeeded, war will never happen, and if Garcia stopped the coup, the us can decide whether the alliance forms

If the Race for Manila ends in failure:[edit | edit source]

If the Hukbalahap arrives in Manila before the United States of America and the Second Philippine Republic and the Countercoup fails (leaving either the Coup ending in success or failure), the United States of America will be able to make the Free Philippine Republic keep with the alliance.

14th Army Invasion and the Philippine Civil War (Post-Balintawak Blitz)[edit | edit source]

After one month of preparation, Japan will deploy the 14th Army and begin an re-invasion of the Philippines. Depending on what happened in Simbang Gabi and the Balintawak Blitz will decide whether or not the Invasion becomes an Three-way Civil War or an United Coalition against the 14th Army.

14th Army Invasion Initiated:[edit | edit source]

If the Alliance with the Huks remain, the Huks and Commonwealth Remants will proclaim the United Filipino Front and form an alliance, allowing the United States to send aid and guns to both the Huks and Commonwealth. Should the United Filipino Front win, it will lead to the birth of the Coalition Government of the Philippines.

Philippine Civil War Initiated:[edit | edit source]

If the Alliance with the Huks break, the Huks will proclaim the People's Republic of the Philippines and become a third-party of the Civil War. Should the Free Philippine Republic triumph against it's odds, the Third Republic of the Philippines will be proclaimed.

Successful Reconstruction:[edit | edit source]

If the United States does a successful reconstruction, Philippine Democracy will finally be realized Carlos Garcia will allow elections and the Philippines will become an OFN Partner. If Fertig had coup'd the government in Simbang Gabi, the Philippines would remain as part of the US Sphere.

Failed Reconstruction:[edit | edit source]

If the United States fails the reconstruction, Philippine Democracy will falter once more by Carlos Garcia, extending his powers and the Philippines will cut ties with the United States and not become an OFN Partner. If Fertig had coup'd the government in Simbang Gabi, the Philippines will withdraw from the US Sphere.

Truce with the 14th Army (War lasts one year)[edit | edit source]

If the war in the Philippines lasts one year, The 14th Army will offer a truce and the borders will depend based on the Philippines

If the Free Philippine Republic was winning:[edit | edit source]

The borders of the Free Republic will revert back to the pre-Balintawak Blitz borders.

If the Free Philippine Republic was losing:[edit | edit source]

The borders of the Free Republic will exile them back to Mindanao, this time without Visayas.

National Spirits[edit | edit source]

The Free Philippine Republic starts out with the following National Spirits

Name In Game Description Effects
Cacique Democracy The national government of the FPR is almost wholly made up of local elites. These elites and their families are akin to fuedal lords, running their own personal fiefdoms with little oversight from the central government. While they pay taxes, raise troops, and are generally supportive of the goals of the Free Republic, failing to appease them will most definitely cripple the Republic's authority and plunge in into crisis. -NA-
An Army of Freedom The culmination of decades of resistance against the Japanese and their collaborators, the Free Philippine Army is a skilled and robust fighting force capable of carrying out the defense of the Republic. Trained and commanded by veteran Filipino and American soldiers, these next-generation fighters may finally be able to get their boots on Manila's grounds. Division Organisation: +10.0%

Division Attack: +5.0%

Division Defense: +5.0%

American Remnants If not dealt with properly, these remnants can prove detrimental to our government structure.
The cruel joke that America chose to call 'peace' required it to withdraw from the Philippines and recognise Japanese suzerainty over the islands. Despite all this, you can never keep a good soldier down; Troops led by Wendell Fertig refused to leave and abandon the people they had fought so hard for. While officially, these men are traitors to Washington, they represent its interests and lingering influence in the Philippines.
Division Attack: +20.00%

Division Speed: +20.00% Breakthrough: +30.00%

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Prior to it's removal in the update "Silicon Dreams", the Free Philippine Republic was known as the USFIP (United States Forces in the Philippines) this was removed after the team took work, with permission, from a Philippine Rework Submod named "Noli Me Tángere"
    • It's lore was that it was made up of the US Exiles that had been abandoned in MacArthur's Retreat. If it reunited the Philippines, it would've dissolved into the Republic of the Philippines and if Reconstruction was successful, it would've joined the Organization of Free Nations.
      • As of May 18, 2024 - The Free Philippine Republic can only join the US Sphere.
    • Likewise prior to "Silicon Dreams", The USFIP could've evolved into the OFN Mandate of the Philippines.
  • Despite no longer starting as part of the US Sphere, the Free Philippine Republic can join the US Sphere if the Simbang Gabi Coup ended in success for the US Exiles.
  • Just like the Second Philippine Republic, if the Free Philippine Republic wins both the Balintawak Blitz and the 14th Army Invasion, the Flag will revert back to the peace flag with blue on top and red at the bottom.
  • Despite being extremely similar, the Flags of the Second Philippine Republic, Third Philippine Republic and Free Philippine Republic are different flags. The Free Philippine Republic uses the variant used in 1935-1985, the Second Republic uses the same variant used in 1941-1945, while the Third Republic used the same variant used in 1985-1986.
    • Additionally, the Free Philippine Republic is the only one out of the three to have remained using the same shade of blue.