
From TNOpediA
Komi Republic
Республика Коми - Respublika Komi (Russian)
Коми Республикаса - Komi Respubľikasa (Komi)
Flag of Komi
Ruling Party Democratic Socialist People's Party
Head of StatePresident
Nikolai Voznesensky
Head of GovernmentChairman
Mikhail Rodionov
Sphere No Sphere
Foreign AlignmentNon-Aligned
Credit Rating Poor
Market Type Dirigisme

Komi, officially Komi Republic, is one of the warlord states that exists in West Russia. It is bordered by the West Russian Revolutionary Front to the north, the Order of St. George to the east, Vyatka to the south and Vologda to the southwest.

The statelet itself is a liberal democracy, albeit a very unstable one. Because it accepts everyone no matter their political beliefs, Komi has become home to various extremist political figures from all across the political spectrum. It is fairly common for paramilitaries to clash in the streets of its cities, whilst from the shadows puppetmasters make preparations of their bids for power.

This political instability, and the ways it can elevate all types of political ideas to power, means Komi has a whopping nine pathways it can follow - the most of any Russian warlord.

In-Game Description[edit | edit source]

As the West Russian Revolutionary Front collapsed at the end of the West Russian War, it was in Syktyvkar, capital of the Komi ASSR, that the civilian government of the Front found themselves in. From the witches' brew of WRRF officials, Soviet political exiles, refugees, and those who would be unwelcome in other statelets, the Komi Republic took form, establishing a constitution and democratic institutions which served to end the cycles of violence which had afflicted it.

However, all is not well in the Republic - political conflict and scheming is reaching a crisis point, and it seems that the days of this democracy are limited.

History[edit | edit source]

A New Republic?[edit | edit source]

Old Failures[edit | edit source]

The failures of Nikolai Bukharin, the German invasion, and the defeat of the West Russian Revolutionary Front against the German Reich bled the people of Russia far too much, subjecting them to unimaginable horror and destitution for little gain. Rather than the workers' utopia promised by the Soviet government, the communist experiment ended in failure, as warfare scorched West Russia for the second time in two decades.

The War, the political failures of the Front, the final assassination of Alexei Rykov, and the bombing of the Presidium of the West Russian Revolutionary Front marked the last straw for the Komi government. Nikolai Alekseevich Voznesensky, the newly appointed head of the Komi ASSR, took executive action to declare independence from the Front, being aided in his operation by a slew of former WRRF politicians, including Mikhail Andreyevich Suslov, foreign minister of the Front, and Andrei Alexandrovich Zhdanov, a prominent official of the Comintern.

Climate of Extremism[edit | edit source]

With the secession of the Komi ASSR from the Front under a newly declared Republic, and the loss of yet another capital, the political cohesion of the front dissolved, and more and more separatists ate away at the WRRF's armies before operations could be launched to put down the rebellions and warlords.

With the democratic nature of the Komi Republic becoming well-known throughout West Russia, and the developed city of Syktyvkar becoming swollen with refugees from other, less accommodating statelets, a climate of political radicalism began to fester within the Republic, fed by Voznesensky's collaboration with Zhdanov's communists, and the underground influence of extremist politicians who had been set free from the many GULAGs in the region.

The State of Affairs[edit | edit source]

The state of the Republic in 1962 is hardly one conducive to functional democracy. Crime is at a recent high, with constant paramilitary street battles shattering the silence on the streets of Syktyvkar. The plots of shadowy ideologues are constantly pit against each other, in the form of assassinations, thefts, fraud, assault, extortion, and conspiracy against the Republic.

The Komi Republic's politicians are infamous for a particular nature that seems to run through the Republic as a whole - a pseudo-addiction to scheming, backstabbing, and power games. Regardless of whether they personally tolerate such underhanded tactics, the environment of the Republic demands such tendencies, and so, the politicians which survive the unimaginably stressful environment tend to be forged into metaphorical diamonds - master schemers and maneuverers who can manipulate entire parties beneath their thumb.

The Game's Players[edit | edit source]

The Centre[edit | edit source]

Despite the wide variety of democratic parties and the issues which cleave movements apart in Komi, the saving grace of the Republic is that democracy, too, is a political question and hot-button topic. The intensity of the efforts to tear down democracy has forged the otherwise disparate centrist parties into a ramshackle coalition to preserve the electoral system at all costs, and fight radicalism. The ruling People's Democratic Socialist Party (DSNP), Union of Young Reformers (SMR), and Sovereign Democratic Party (PSD) have all become tempered allies in the environment of the Republic.

The Left[edit | edit source]

The Communist Party of Komi is notable in that it is the most united political "wing" in the Republic. The infamous Mikhail Suslov has forged an ironclad political machine out of the far left, leading successful operation after operation to stage scandals, shatter the people's confidence in the government, and establish an environment of constant pressure on the Republic's security forces. However, despite its unity, not all is well within the Communist Party. The cracks between its leaders are invisible in public, but all to apparent behind closed doors. In the eyes of Party insiders, a conflict between Mikhail Suslov and Ivan Serov's orthodox faction and Andrei Zhdanov and Svetlana Bukharina's reformist faction is inevitable - all that remains to be seen is how destructive it shall be to the Party's very foundations.

The Right[edit | edit source]

The Passionariyy Organization is a singularly bizarre organization in Komi, a combination of a social club, a secret society, and an apparatus for political coalition-building. Under the wide-spanning umbrella of the Passionariyy are Eurasianists, "compassionate conservatives", monarchists, and other, smaller movements, all united solely by the desire for a new, right-wing path for the Republic. The Passionariyy are easily the most wide-ranging coalition in Komi, stretching to every possible corner of right-wing thought, and, as of such, paradoxically both prone to infighting, and extremely effective at operating within the republic. Within the Passionariyy, there is someone for everyone, or so it is said - the media outlets controlled by the organization appeal to the people, rallies are held, and the center coalition is forced to look closer and closer towards Passionariyy-affiliated politicians each day.

Political Parties[edit | edit source]

Name Ideology Leader Starting Popularity
Center Coalition
People's Democratic Socialist Party Progressivism Nikolai Voznesensky 24.98%
Union of Young Reformers Liberalism Ivan Morozov 16.98%
Sovereign Democratic Party Liberal Conservatism Svetlana Stalina 6.98%
Communist Party of Komi
Communist Party of Komi (Orthodox) Communism Mikhail Suslov 13.01%
Communist Party of Komi (Reformist) Socialism Andrei Zhdanov 11.00%
Passionariyy Organization
Russian National Party Paternalism Igor Shafarevich 12.00%
Ordosocialist Workers' Party Fascism Ivan Serov -
Passionariyy (Eurasianists) Despotism Lev Gumilyov 9.00%
Society for the Restoration of the Russian Empire National Socialism Sergey Taboritsky 6.00%

NOTE: Ivan Serov is not present at game start. He will only appear as the fascist leader a few months into the campaign after being expelled from the Communist Party by Suslov in an event.

Ministers[edit | edit source]

Starting/Yakovlev's Cabinet

Portrait Name Role Effects
Mikhail Rodionov

(Democratic Socialism)

Chairman of the National Assembly

(Head of Government)

Vyacheslav Malyshev

(Democratic Socialism)

Minister of Foreign Affairs

(Foreign Minister)

Leonid Kantorovich

(Democratic Socialism,Big Tent)

Minister of Finance

(Economic Minister)

Chairman of the National Assembly

(Head of Government)

  • (VP Compromise)
Yegor Ligachev

(Democratic Socialism)

Minister of Defence

(Security Minister)


Morozov's/Katushev's Cabinet

Portrait Name Role Effects
Yevsei Liberman

(Liberal Socialism)

Chairman of the National Assembly

(Head of Government)

Gennady Voronov

(Progressive Liberalism)

Minister of Foreign Affairs

(Foreign Minister)

Dzhermen Gvishiani

(Liberal Socialism)

Minister of Finance

(Economic Minister)

Ivan Morozov

(Progressive Liberalism)

Minister of Defence

(Security Minister)


Stalina's Cabinet

Portrait Name Role Effects
Yelena Bonner

(Liberal Conservatism)

Chairman of the National Assembly

(Head of Government)

Georgy Shakhnarazov

(Liberal Conservatism)

Minister of Foreign Affairs

(Foreign Minister)

Leonid Kantorovich

(Democratic Socialism,Big Tent)

Minister of Finance

(Economic Minister)

Petro Grigorenko

(Liberal Radicalism)

Minister of Defence

(Security Minister)

Chairman of the National Assembly

(Head of Government)


Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Komi starts with the following national spirits:

Name In-Game Description Effects
Luftwaffe Terror Bombing With depressing regularity, Luftwaffe bombers from the airfields of Reichskommissariat Moskowien fly over the warlord states of western Russia, bombing everything they can see and affecting nearly every aspect of Russian life as a result. The only salvation comes in the form of the Free Aviators, who strive to intercept them at every opportunity. If not for them, the situation in Russia would be far more dire. Monthly Population: -5.0%

Constructuon Speed: -40.0%

Production Efficiency Cap: -10.0%

Production Efficiency Growth: -7.0%

Free Repair: -70.0%

Needed Consumer Goods: +7.0%

A Place for All of Us The list of ideologies represented among the ruins of Russia is long, yet it still has its outcasts and lost ideologues. Those people who could not find a home among the ruins, those who have been cast out because of ideas too radical or alien, they have come here. As a result, Komi has one of the most diverse political environments on earth... and also one of the most dangerous ones. Daily Political Power Gain: +0.25

Division Organization: -5.0%

Stability: -10.00%

War Support: +15.00%

Personnel Cost Modifier: -35.00%

The Clash of Shadows The Republic is afflicted by a scourge that makes itself plainly evident, if one bothers to look behind the curtains of the various movements occupying Syktyvkar. The legion of manipulators, radicals, and would be shadow-masters afflict the Republic like a pox. Their influence drives much of Komi society - the paramilitaries move on their orders, the National Assembly carries out their machinations, and every day, democracy spirals towards a final crescendo of clashing plots... Political Power Gain: -6%

Division Recovery Rate: -18.0%

Ideology Drift Defense: -35.0%

Daily Liberal Conservatism Support: -0.01

Daily Liberalism Support: -0.01

Daily Progressivism Support: -0.01

The Syktyvkar Arsenal Beneath the city of Syktyvkar lies a practical treasure trove of Soviet technology and weaponry. Vats and canisters of lethal 'revenge weapons' were stored here before the Front collapsed, and they have found new usage among the defenders of the Republic. The gas is potent, and the ability to scorch the lands of our enemies is an effective tool, but those who control the arsenal wield a disproportionate amount of influence. Division Recovery Rate: -5.0%

War Support: -10.00%

Division Attack on Core Territory: +20.0%

Division Defense on Core Territory: +10.0%

Starting situation and the lead-up to the 1963 election[edit | edit source]

The Election and the Revolving Door[edit | edit source]

Consolidating the Party[edit | edit source]

Communist Party Pathways[edit | edit source]

Komi Soviet Republic
Коми Советская Республика
Komi Sovetskaya Respublika
Flag of the Komi Soviet Republic
Ruling Party
Communist Party of Komi
Potential Heads of State
Potential Heads of Government
Sphere N/A
Foreign AlignmentN/A
Market Type Planned Economy

Suslov's Pathway[edit | edit source]

Zhdanov's Pathway[edit | edit source]

Bukharina's Pathway[edit | edit source]

Center Coalition Pathways[edit | edit source]

Voznesensky's Pathway[edit | edit source]

Morozov's Pathway[edit | edit source]

Stalina's Pathway (Liberal Conservative)[edit | edit source]

Stalina's Pathway (Despotist)[edit | edit source]

Passionariyy Pathways[edit | edit source]

Flag of the Komi Soviet Republic
Ruling Party
Passionariyy Organization
Potential Heads of State
Potential Heads of Government

Sphere N/A
Foreign AlignmentN/A

Gumilyov's Pathway[edit | edit source]

Shafarevich's Pathway[edit | edit source]

Serov's Pathway[edit | edit source]

Taboritsky's Pathway[edit | edit source]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Capitulation quote[edit | edit source]

"Pandora's box shall be forever closed."

Origins: This quote is original to The New Order.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The flag of Komi is taken from a proposed redesign of the Russian flag made by a Russian design studio.
  • The only ideology that Komi cannot adopt is Ultranationalism.
  • In the original release of The New Order, Conservatism was the only unrepresented ideology. According to a former writer, the original plan was for Alexander Yakovlev to be the Conservative leader, before he was moved to the West Russian Revolutionary Front (although he can become leader of Komi if Voznesensky maintains control and a center-ruled Komi defeats the Front. Another planned leader was Alexander Belozerov, who was cut due to being uninteresting.
  • The Syktyvkar Arsenal did not exist in real life. It was probably added to increase the tensions in the Komi power struggle.
  • During initial planning for The New Order, it was planned for Komi to be a "Commie Nazi" state led by Ivan Korolkov. Elements of this initial plan survive in Ivan Serov and his Ordosocialist ideology in the final release.