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Neutral State of Vologda
Нейтральное государство Вологда - Neytral'noye gosudarstvo Vologda
Flag of Vologda
Ruling Party Narodnoye Sobraniye - Klika Ivanova
Head of StateVasily Ivanov
Foreign AlignmentN/A
Market Type Controlled Democracy

The Neutral State of Vologda is a Russian warlord state located in West Russia. It borders the West Russian Revolutionary Front to the north, Komi, Vyatka and Tatarstan to the east, Gorky to the south and Reichskommissariat Moskowien to the west.

They are not a unifier and have no content of the The Ruin update.


Red Army General Vasily Ivanov declared Vologda's secession from the West Russian Revolutionary Front during the closing days of the West Russian War, and its neutrality in the conflict between the Front and Germany - a neutrality that is reluctantly accepted by both sides.


Vologda starts with the following national spirits:

Name In-Game Description Effects
Luftwaffe Terror Bombing With depressing regularity, Luftwaffe bombers from the airfields of Reichskommissariat Moskowien fly over the warlord states of western Russia, bombing everything they can see and affecting nearly every aspect of Russian life as a result. The only salvation comes in the form of the Free Aviators, who strive to intercept them at every opportunity. If not for them, the situation in Russia would be far more dire. Monthly Population: -5.0%

Constructuon Speed: -40.0%

Production Efficiency Cap: -10.0%

Production Efficiency Growth: -7.0%

Free Repair: -70.0%

Needed Consumer Goods: +7.0%

Vologda is not a unifier and cannot reunite Russia. However, it can peacefully unify with the West Russian Revolutionary Front


  • The flag of Vologa is based on the flag of the real-life Vologda Oblast, with the Russian double-headed eagle replacing the Vologdan seal.