Italian Empire

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Italian Empire
Regno d'Italia
Flag of Italy
Ruling Party PNF - Partito Nazionale Fascista
Head of StateKing Umberto II
Head of GovernmentDuce Galeazzo Ciano
Sphere Italian Sphere
Foreign Alignment Triumvirate Founder
Credit Rating Good
Market Type Corporatism

The Italian Empire is the fourth most powerful country in the post-WW2 world. In many ways a "lesser among equals" during the war, having a terrible start, the Italian Empire came out of the war a force to be reckoned with. Founded in 1936 in the aftermath of their conquest of Ethiopia to replace the previous Kingdom of Italy by "Il Duce", Benito Mussolini, the Italian Empire is at the helm of the Triumvirate, an alliance led by the three Mediterranean Axis members to combat against German aggression, Italy, Turkey and the Iberian Union (plus their various colonies, client states and independent allies). The first fascist state, they're led by Mussolini's successor, his son in-law, Gian Galeazzo Ciano.